Chapter Sixteen- You Again?!

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Garroth's POV
I woke up with Aphmau still sleeping next to me.

I turned around and saw that Laurance and Katelyn were awake. Laurance smirked at me.

"Morning, Lover Boy. Sleep well?" He said. I rolled my eyes, playfully, at him.

"Very funny, Laurance. What time is it?" I asked and he looked at his watch.

"Uhhhhhhh, 8:45 in the morning. So......we have about 30 minutes left until we land, give or take." He said, looking back up.

"Great. Thanks."

"Is Aphmau up yet?" Katelyn asked.

"No, not yet." I replied. She sighed.

"Great, now I'm stuck having to listen and talk to you two for 30 minutes." She said, dramatically.

"Hey!" Laurance and I said, trying to look offended.

She laughed and the three of us just talked for a bit. Dante soon woke up and started talking too.

I felt Aphmau stir next to me a little bit later and she woke up. I turned around to look at her.

"Morning." I said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Is it even still morning?" She mumbled, sleepily. I chuckled.

"Well, it's like 9:15 so it's kinda still morning." I said.

She smiled and kissed my cheek. I felt my face heat up a bit and she giggled.

I have no idea why I still blush when she kisses me.

"Aph, are you up yet?" I heard Katelyn ask. Aphmau giggled.

"No." Aph replied and I laughed.

She smiled at me and turned around to talk to Katelyn.

------------------/Time Skip/---------------------

"I'm so glad we're FINALLY off that plane." Laurance said as we walked through the airport.

"Yah, it seemed like we were in there FOREVER." Dante agreed.

"We're here! Yeeeesssss! Kawaii~Chan is soooo excited!" Kawaii~Chan shouted, jumping around.

"I am, too! This is going to be so AWESOME!" Aphmau said, celebrating with Kawaii~Chan.

"Will you two calm down? We're still in the airport and people are starting to stare." Katelyn said.

"Oops, sorry Katelyn~Sama. Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau~Senpai are just super happy." Kawaii~Chan said.

"Yah, Kawaii~Chan and I have been wanting to come here ever since it came up on TV." Aphmau said.

"Well, you two can go crazy when we leave the airport, okay?" Travis said.

"No promises. Anyway, come on. Enough talking. Let's go!" Aphmau said as she and Kawaii~Chan led the way.

-----------------/Time Skip/----------------------

"This place is beautiful." Aphmau said as we walked around the beach resort.

"Yeah, it is." Dante agreed.

"Kawaii~Chan wants to go to the beach!" Kawaii~Chan shouted.

"Later, Kawaii~Chan. I think everyone wants to relax for a bit before we do anything. Okay?" Katelyn said.


"Yeah, I'm starving. Why don't we all go somewhere to eat?" Laurance asked.

"I'm fine with that." I agreed.

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