Chapter Four- Jealous

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Garroth's POV
Aph and I left and started walking to the restaurant again.

I don't like Aaron. At all. It's not just because I'm jealous of him and Aphmau, I just think he isn't good enough for her. Aphmau deserves the best.

After Aphmau kissed him, he smirked at me and gave me a look that basically said, 'You'll never get her because she's mine.' Ugggg. It's bad enough that they're dating but he doesn't have to rub it in my face.

"Garroth? You okay?" Aphmau asked. I snapped back to reality.

"Umm, yeah. Why?" I asked, looking at her.

"You've been staring into space for about 5 minutes now." She said and I felt my face heat up.

"O-Oh. S-Sorry. I didn't notice." I said. She giggled, making my face heat up more.

"It's okay. I was just worried." I smiled and looked forward.

---------/Aaron made me create a time skip because he didn't want any Garmau moments. Sorry😋/-----------------------

We made it to the restaurant and got a table. We'd already ordered and we were just talking.

"Garroth? Are you okay? You really haven't been talking all that much since we left your house." Aphmau asked, a worried look on her face.

I looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just.....thinking." I said.

"About?" I felt my face heat up.

"N-Nothing important." I looked away and stared at the floor. Aphmau sighed.

"Garroth. You've been acting weird since we ran into Aaro-" She paused, as if she realized something.

"You're not jealous of me and Aaron, are you?"

Now my face was really getting hot.

"Yes. Insanely jealous."

"N-No. W-Why would I be jealous? I'm not jealous." I said, kinda fast.

I started playing with my fork. I saw Aphmau out of the corner of my eye. She had a look of sympathy.


I saw her reach her hand across the table and she lifted my head up.

"I'm sorry. I know this is probably hard for you and Laurance. I just wish I could do something that would make everyone happy." She said, sadly.

She took her hand off and put it on the table.
I gave her a small smile before placing my hand over her's.

"Aphmau, you being here is enough for me. As long as you don't forget we exist, we'll be happy with whatever you choose and we'll support you no matter what."

She smiled and gripped my hand.

"Thank you, Garroth." She said.

I smiled back and took my hand away. She did the same.

A few minutes later, a waiter came back with our food and we started eating.

-----------/Another Time Skip/----------------

Aphmau's POV

"NO!!!!!" I shouted. I heard Garroth laugh next to me.

"Nice try, Aph." He smiled at me.

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