Chapter Twenty- Forever and Always

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(Important author's note at the end. PLEASE READ!!!)

Aphmau's POV
I woke up yawning and sat in bed. I heard the TV downstairs and I got out of bed.

I quickly ran a brush through my hair and went downstairs.

Right when I stepped on the first floor, I heard little feet running.

I crouched down as my children, Levin and Malachi, came running out of the kitchen and into my arms.

"Good morning, boys. Are you helping your father make breakfast? Or are you just bothering him?" I asked and they started giggling.

"Uh, both."

I looked up and saw Garroth leaning on the wall, smiling.

"Hey! We're helping!" Malachi said, looking at Garroth.

"Mal is helping. Levin is playing trains. Mommy want play?!" Levin asked and I laughed.

"After breakfast. Okay, Lev?" I said, kissing his cheek.

"Okay, Mama!" He said. He then grabbed his brother's hand and dragged him back into the kitchen.

I stood back up, smiling, and walked over to Garroth. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Morning Aph." He said, kissing my cheek.

"Hey Gar. Aren't you suppose to be making breakfast?" I asked and he sighed.

"Fine. I guess I don't want the entire house burning down so I'll go." He said and I giggled.

"Or you could just have Levin and Malachi take care of it." I joked.

"No way. I'm gonna go before the stove explodes." He said, going back into the kitchen.

I was about to follow him, when the doorbell rang. I turned and headed for the door, opening it and seeing Katelyn and Laurance.

"Hey guys. You're here early. What's up?" I asked and Katelyn smiled.

"Aphmau, I got BIG news!!" She said and I stepped aside, letting them in.

They both came in and we all sat on the couch. I heard Garroth shut off the stove and he came in too, sitting next to me. The boys also came and sat on my lap.

"Hey Auntie Katelyn and Uncle Laurance!" Malachi said.

"What are you two doing here?" Garroth asked.

"Katie, why don't you tell them?" Laurance said to Katelyn and she looked at us.

"I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!" She screamed and I jumped up, giving the boys to Garroth.

"SERIOUSLY!?!?!" I asked, Katelyn jumping up too.


We both screamed and I hugged her. She hugged me back and I felt myself crying.

"Kate, this is amazing! I'm so happy for you two." I said when we separated.

"Thanks Aph. You two need to help us out when the baby comes, alright?" She said and I laughed.

"Call us whenever you need to, but I'm sure you two will be fine." I said.

"Thank you, Aphmau." Katelyn said.

"Have you two told Dante and Kawaii~Chan yet?" Garroth asked, standing next to me.

"No, not yet. You guys' house was closer so we decided to come here first." Laurance said, standing next to Katelyn and putting his arm around her.

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