Chapter Nineteen- Relaxing

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Garroth's POV
"Aph, get up." I said, lightly shaking her.

"Five more minutes." She groaned, covering her head with the covers. I chuckled.

"Fine, but you brought this upon yourself." I said, smirking.



I smiled and started tickling her. She erupted in a fit of laughter as she tried to get me off her.

"G-G-Garroth.........s-stop!" She said, in-between laughs.

"Are you going to get up, now?" I asked.

"Yes, yes! I will! Just stop!"

I took my arms away and Aphmau tried to get her breath back.

She looked at me, a smile on her gorgeous face.

"I hate you." She said, jokingly. I smirked.

"Love you, too."

She rolled her eyes and I leaned down and kissed her.

I pulled away and got off the bed. I looked back at Aph and she hadn't moved.

"Aph, come on."

She braced herself on her elbows and looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Can you bring my lunch up here? Please? I'm too tired to walk." She asked with puppy eyes.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at her.

"Fine, I'll be right back." I said, walking over to the door and opening it.

"Thanks, Gar. Love you." She said.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too." I said and she giggled.

I walked through the doorway and shut the door behind me.

I walked down to the dining room to see that everyone was there already.

I went over to the kitchen counter and saw Aph and mine's food.

"Jeez, you sure slept in late." Laurance said from the table.

I turned around and smiled.

"Yeah, stayed up late last night watching TV." I said and Laurance raised an eyebrow.

"Sure." He said, sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, where's your girlfriend?" Travis asked.

"Up in the room. She wanted me to grab her lunch for her because she claims she's, 'too tired to walk'." I said and they laughed.

"That sounds like Aphmau~Senpai." Kawaii~Chan said.

"Sure does. Hang on. What room is she in? I tried knocking on the door to her room but she didn't answer." Katelyn asked.

"Mine." I said.

"......why?" She asked, suspiciously. I heard the guys snickering.

"Katie, don't get so over-protective. You slept in my room last night, remember?" Laurance said, kissing her cheek. Katelyn's face turned a light shade of pink.

"Shut up, Laurance. You're not helping." She said.

I chuckled and grabbed our food, about to head back upstairs.

"Hang on, LoverBoy. You didn't answer my question." Katelyn said and I turned back around.

"I don't know. The first time was because she had a nightmare. I'm not sure why she decided to sleep in there last night. Maybe you should ask her and not me." I said.

"Alright, but just remember, I'm watching you." She said and I put my hands up in mock surrender.

The guys laughed and I went back upstairs and into my room.

Aphmau was already dressed and was watching TV. She smiled at me when I came in and grabbed her plate.

"Thanks, Garroth. You're the best." She said before setting her plate on the table that was in my room.

"Oh, I get it. You only like me because I get you food, huh? You didn't even give me a 'thank you' kiss." I said, trying to look offended.

I heard Aphmau giggle and she came over to me.

I set my plate on my bed and wrapped my arms around her waist; her's on my shoulders.

"You're adorable." She said and I smiled.

"I know."

She smiled and placed her lips over mine.

Every time we kissed, it always feels like I'm in heaven.

I love Aphmau to death and I wouldn't give her up for anything in the entire world.

We pulled apart and she rested her head on my chest.

"Can we just stay here and relax today?" She asked and I smiled.

"As long as I get to stay with you, I'll be happy with whatever." I said and she giggled again.

"You're too sweet." She said, looking up and kissing my cheek.

"No, you are." I said, holding her close and resting my chin on the top of her head.

"Come on, Prince Charming. I'm hungry and the show's about to start." She said, taking her arms back and getting out of my grip.

"Okay." I said, getting on the bed and grabbing my plate.

Aphmau sat down next to me and started eating.

"I love you, Aph." I said and she smiled at me.

"I love you too, Gar."

I smiled and looked towards the TV.

I'll always be happy whenever you're around.

Katelyn's POV (WOAH, plot twist!!!)
"Well, I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap." I said, getting up from my chair.

"Okay, night Katelyn~Sama." Kawaii~Chan said.

"Hold on." Laurance said, getting up.

"What?" I asked and he smirked.

He leaned in close and kissed me, receiving a lot of "Awwww"s from the table.

I pulled away and felt a light blush creeping up on my face.

"You didn't think I'd let you leave without getting one kiss in, did you?" He said and I playfully punched him.

"What have I told you about doing that in public?" I said and he chuckled.

"That's why I do it. Plus, this isn't in public."

I rolled my eyes and went up the stairs, passing Garroth's room on my way to mine.

Since his door was open a little, I decided to peak in. Just to make sure my Aphmau was okay.

I glanced in and saw Garroth and Aphmau watching TV and eating on the bed.

Garroth's arm was around Aphmau's shoulders.

"Garroth," I heard Aph say. "Thanks for watching this with me. I know you're not into this kind of stuff, but it's really sweet of you to watch it."

Garroth looked at Aphmau and I saw him smile.

"Of course. Anything for my angel." He said, giving her a quick kiss before turning back to the show.

I smiled to myself and crept away from the door.

Garroth really is a great boyfriend. I guess I'll trust him with Aphmau. For now.

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