Chapter Two- Movie Night

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Garroth's POV
"-then Travis, being a genius, decided scare him. That's how the window broke. You can imagine the rest." Dante explained. Everyone started laughing.

"My hand still hurts." Laurance whined, holding his hand.

"Hey, come on. It was funny." Travis said, playfully shoving him.

"Sure. Real funny." Laurance replied, sarcastically.

"You still have to pay me back for the repairman, Travis." I reminded him.

"Come on. It wasn't THAT much." I raised my eyebrow. "Fine. When I get my next paycheck I'll pay you back. Happy?" I smirked.


Travis rolled his eyes and started telling another story.

I glanced at the clock. 1:17 p.m. Wow, we've been talking for a while. I turned my attention back towards Travis' story and listened.

---------------------/Time Skip/--------------------

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Laurance asked.

I looked at the clock again. 9:17 p.m. It was getting pretty late.

"Sure!" Aphmau said.

"Sounds good." Katelyn said.

"Ooooooo. What movie?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Ummmm, whatever you girls want. We don't care what you pick." Dante said.

The girls looked at each other, smirking. Then they turned back to us.

"We'll be right back. It's at our house." Aphmau said, still smiling.

"I have a bad feeling about this." I said and Aphmau laughed, making my face heat up.

"Oh, don't worry. It'll be fun. Be right back." The girls stood up and walked out the door.

We just looked at each other.

"Dante. Why did you say that?" I asked him.

"Hey. They're our guests and I wanted to be nice." He said.

"Well, no backing out now." Laurance said.

We heard the door open a little bit later and the girls came in. Aphmau came over and held up a movie, which made us all groan. I glared at Dante.

"MIDNINGHT!!!!!" She screamed.

---------------/Another Time Skip/----------------

Why is this movie so long?

It's been about an hour since we started the movie and it was TORTURE!!!!!

We tried going on our phones or something to distract us from watching, but the girls wouldn't let us. So now, we're stuck watching it.

I glanced on the floor and saw that Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, and Laurance were asleep. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:37 p.m.

I suddenly felt someone rest their head on my shoulder. I looked next to me and saw Aphmau, asleep. I immediately blushed.

I heard the movie stop and I looked at Dante and Travis. Travis was holding the remote in his hand.

"The girls are asleep. We can stop it." He whispered so he wouldn't wake them. I nodded and looked back towards Aphmau. She looked so peaceful.

"Hey lets go get blankets for them." Dante whispered and I looked back at them.

"Don't forget the extra mattress and pillows." I said, motioning towards Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan. They nodded and got up.

I slowly and carefully moved Aphmau's head off my shoulder and onto the couch. I stood up and went to help bring in the mattress.

Travis and I brought in the mattress while Dante brought in blankets and pillows. We put the mattress down and Travis and Dante picked up Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan while I moved the mattress over to them. They lowered the girls down, carefully, and stood up to grab the blankets and pillows.

I went over to Aphmau and put a blanket over her. I carefully lifted her head and put a pillow behind it. I lowered her head and stepped away. I then went over to Laurance and nudged him with my foot and he woke up.

"Go to your room." I whispered and got up, rubbing his eyes.

"Couldn't have gotten me a blanket or pillow? You had to wake me up?" He asked. I smiled.

"Sorry, Laurance. We'll keep that in mind next time." He smiled back and left towards his room.

Dante and Travis already went to their rooms, so I went over to mine. I got into bed and shut my eyes.

When I Love Another; A Garmau MyStreet FanficWhere stories live. Discover now