Chapter Eleven- Shopping

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Garroth's POV
"A-Aphmau? W-Will y-you go o-out to             d-d-d-dinner w-w-with m-m-me, t-tonight?" I asked and I felt my face heat up even more.

"Laurance, follow me. Let's give them their space." Katelyn said, taking Laurance's hand and dragging him to the backyard.

"G-Garroth, I-" She started.

"Youdon'thavetoifyoudon'twantto."I interrupted.

She then suddenly smiled at me.

"Garroth, I'd love to." She said.

My eyes widened. I didn't expect her to say that.

"W-W-What?" I asked and she giggled.

"Garroth, I would love to go out with you." She said, again. I smiled.

"R-Really?" I asked and she rolled her beautiful hazel eyes, playfully.

"Yes, for the third time. My answer is not going to change, Garroth." She joked and I gave her a nervous laugh.

"O-Oh. S-Sorry. I just, wasn't expecting you to say that." I said.

She giggled and my face flushed again.

"So, what was Laurance talking about? He said something about you filling your end of the deal?" She asked.

"Oh, that. Well, he told me that he liked Katelyn and he also told me that I should ask you out. He gave me a deal saying that if he asked Katelyn out, then I had to ask you out too. He also agreed to throw out the garbage for a whole month so I really couldn't refuse." I said, smiling. She laughed.

"That makes sense."

Suddenly, Laurance and Katelyn came back into the house and walked over. Katelyn stood next to Aph as Laurance came over to me.

"Well, we really should be going now. Come on, Garroth. Let's go." He looked at Katelyn and winked. "I'll see you tonight, Katelyn."

And with that, he turned around and started walking away toward the house. I walked after him and I heard the door shut behind us.

Once we arrived at home, he turned to me.

"So.......?" He asked and I blushed again.

"S-So, w-what?" I asked. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"What did she say? Did she say yes? You gotta tell me!" He whined.

"Heh, well, s-she said 'yes'." I said and he cheered.

"Ha! I knew she would! You didn't believe me! I told you she liked you! Laurance wins again!"

I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was just jumping around and looked like a complete idiot.

"Laurance, that doesn't mean she-"

"What's with all the shouting going on in here?"

Laurance and I turned to the doorway and saw Travis and Dante emerge, confused looks on their faces.

"Oh, hey guys. How'd it go, Dante?" Laurance asked. Dante immediately smiled.

"Guess who's dating Kawaii~Chan?!" He said and I smiled.

"Seriously? Dante, that's great!" I said.

"I know! But, why was Laurance jumping around?" He asked. Laurance smirked.

When I Love Another; A Garmau MyStreet FanficWhere stories live. Discover now