Chapter One- The Guy's House

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Aphmau's POV
I woke up on Aaron's couch. I heard him in the kitchen, probably making breakfast. I got up and went over to the kitchen. Aaron was there at the stove, trying to make pancakes and failing miserably. I laughed at his attempt.

"What are you making? Pancakes or rocks?" I asked him and he turned to me.

"Hey. You were asleep and I wanted to try cooking something." He said. I sighed and walked over.

I shut the stove off and put the burnt pancakes in Celeste's bowl. She came over and started eating.

"Here. Why don't I teach you how to make them and we can do it together. Okay?" I offered and he nodded.

We made breakfast together and sat down at the table to eat. We talked about random things and then I cleaned the dishes. I walked back out of the kitchen and saw Aaron on the couch, watching FairyTail. I walked over and sat next to him but instead of paying attention to the show,  I started thinking about other things.

Aaron and I have been spending a lot of time together ever since the Anime Convention. I mean, that's understandable. We are dating. But I feel like I've been ignoring Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan. Not to mention the guys, too. I see them on the street sometimes but when I smile or wave at them, they look like they didn't see it. Maybe I should spend more time with them. I know Garroth and Laurance are upset about Aaron and me dating, so I think I'll go visit.

I looked over at Aaron.

"Hey Aaron? Is it okay if I go?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Why? Something wrong?" He asked.

"No, it's just. I want to spend some time with Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan today." I said.

"Sure. Go ahead. I'll see you later, then." I smiled.

"Definately." I gave him a quick kiss and stood up.

I put Celeste on her leash, picked up her dog bowl, and walked out the door.

I decided to go home to pick up the girls and then we could all hang out with the guys. Hopefully, no one is busy.

I go to our door, took out my keys, and went inside. I let Celestia off her leash and she ran upstairs.

"Katelyn!!! Kawaii~Chan!!! Can you two come down here, please?!?!" I shouted up the stairs.

I walked over to the couches and sat down. I then heard the girls emerge from their rooms and saw them come downstairs.

"Aphmau~Senpai? What are you doing here?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Yeah, why are you here so early." Katelyn said.

"Well, I wanted to see if you two wanted to hang out today. I've been thinking that I haven't been spending as much time with you guys as I should so I wanted to know if you two wanted to come over to the guys' house today." I said.

"Yyyyyaaaaaayyyy!!! Aphmau~Senpai!!!!! Kawaii~Chan would love to!!!!" Kawaii~Chan said, tackling me in a hug.

"Uh, sure. Sounds good. Travis going to be there?" Katelyn asked and I laughed.

"Katelyn, it's his house too. He might be." I said as Kawaii~Chan let go of me. Kawaii~Chan turned to Katelyn.

"Pleeeaaase, Katelyn~Sama? It will be so fun. Travis~Kun might not even be there. Please?" She begged Katelyn.

"Uggg, fine. But if he lays a finger on me, I'm not paying the hospital bill." Katelyn said and Kawaii~Chan cheered.

"Okay then. You girls ready to go?" I asked and they nodded.

We headed out the door and across the street. The lights were on so that's a good sign someone's home. I walked up the stairs and rung the doorbell. I heard footsteps and the sound of someone turning the doorknob. The door opened and I saw Garroth standing there. His eyes went wide once he saw me.

"A-Aphmau?!" He said and I smiled.

"Hey Garroth. It's been a while, hasn't it?" I said. I saw his face get a bit red.

"U-Um. W-What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well, I wanted to come over with Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan to see if you guys wanted to hang out today. If you're busy I understand but I just felt like I haven't been spending enough time with my friends." I said.

"W-Well, we're not busy. Why don't you girls come in?" He stepped aside to let us pass.

"Thanks Garroth." I smiled before walking into their house.

I saw Laurance, Dante, and Travis all sitting on the couch and playing Halo. Garroth shut the door behind Kawaii~Chan and came over.

"Guys, stop playing for a second." Garroth said.

"No! I have to beat Laurance!" Travis said.

"HA! In your dreams." Laurance replied, shooting Travis in the face and killing him.

"YES!!! Victory!!!!" He shouted, dropping his controller and jumping off the couch.

"Not fair." Travis said, crossing his arms. Dante started laughing.

"Guys." Garroth said again, sounding annoyed.

"What?" Laurance turned around and his jaw dropped.

"Aphmau?!" He said and the other guys turned around, smiling.

"We're here too ya know." Katelyn said, stepping next to me. Travis smirked and stood up.

"Heeeeeyyyy Katelyn." He winked at her and I saw her ball up her fists.

"Watch it, Casanova. Lay a finger on me and you'll be seeing stars." She said.

"I'm already looking at one." He said. I heard Katelyn growl next to me. I laughed.

"Awww, Katelyn. Give him a chance." I said.

"Alright, Aphmau's on my side." Travis said, coming over to me and giving me a high-five. I laughed again.

I'd forgotten how crazy and funny the guys were. I missed them.

We all kinda sat on the couches and talked for a while. We mostly talked about what's been going on in our lives. I kinda just listened, not wanting to say anything about Aaron. Today was about them, not Aaron.

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