Chapter Eight- The Kiss

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Aphmau's POV
Aaron. Why does he have to be here? I bet he's jealous that I'm here with Garroth. I'm probably not helping that by the fact that I was holding his hand, but I didn't care. He can be jealous. Both Garroth and I know that nothing is going on between us.

Why was that so hard to say?

"Are you two on a date?" Aaron asked. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What? Why do you care?" I asked him.

"You just look like you're dating." He said.

"Again. Why do you care?" I asked, a bit more angrily.

"Because he doesn't deserve you." He said, glaring daggers at Garroth.

"Oh, and you do? Garroth's actually nice to me and he understands me." I said back.

I saw Garroth's face get super red and he was looking at the ground.

"Ugg, Garroth? Let's go, okay?" He looked up and nodded.

We walked past Aaron and went over to a bench and sat down. I was still feeling super angry. Garroth and I weren't holding hands anymore.

"I'm sorry you were dragged into that, Garroth." I said and he looked at me. He gave me a small smile.

"It's fine. I'm just glad we left when we did. That argument could have gone downhill fast." He said and I laughed a bit.


We sat there for a few more minutes before we heard another familiar voice.

"Come on, Dante-Kun! Kawaii~Chan wants to get Cotten Candy!"

We both looked up and saw Kawaii~Chan and Dante heading towards the Cotten Candy vendor.

"I'm coming, Kawaii~Chan." Dante said, standing next to her.

I saw Garroth smile at them again and I looked at him.

"The secret you won't tell us?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Yup." He replied, looking at me. I smiled.

"Aaaahhhh! Thank you, Dante~Kun!" We looked at them again and saw Kawaii~Chan holding a pink Cotten Candy.

"She's loud, isn't she?" Garroth mumbled and I giggled.

"Yeah. That's Kawaii~Chan." I replied.

We saw them talking and then they left. I spotted them holding hands before they were out of view and I looked at Garroth. He was smirking.

"Did you see them holding hands?" I asked and he looked at me again.

"Yeah, why?" He asked and I gave him a mischievous smile.

"You want to follow them and see if their dating don't you?" He asked and I laughed.

"See? Like I said earlier. You understand me. Come on." I said, grabbing his hand again and walking into the crowds.

--------/Time Skip until they find them/---

It took a while but we found Dante and Kawaii~Chan talking in a private area.

Garroth and I hid and watched.

"Why are we doing this?" Garroth whispered and I gave him a playful shove.

"Shush! I want to see them kiss." I heard Garroth chuckle and I smiled.

"You sound like Kawaii~Chan." He said.

"Well, that happens if you live with her." I said.

"Heh, I live with Laurance and Travis and I'm not crazy."

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