Chapter Ten- Asking Them Out

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Garroth's POV
"I-I like.........Katelyn." Laurance said, blushing like crazy.

My jaw dropped.

"Katelyn?!" I practically shouted.

"SHHHH! You'll wake up Travis and Dante." He whispered.

"Sorry, I'm just shocked. I did not expect this at all, Laurance." I said.

"Heh, well, I didn't either. I thought Aph would be the only one but, I guess Irene wanted you to get with her and not me." He said, smirking.

"W-What? W-We're not.......She doesn't-"

Laurance started laughing. My face was red.

"Dude calm down. I'm just joking. Though, I think she does like you. Hmm, I think you should try asking her out." He said.

"What? No. She doesn't like least, not like that." I said, looking at the ground.

"You'll never know if you don't try."

I didn't say anything for a while. A few minutes later, I heard Laurance sigh.

"Think about it, Garroth. Now, I'm gonna go to bed. You should too."

He gave me a pat on the shoulder and turned away. Before he went into his room, I asked him something.

"Are you going to ask Katelyn out?"

He turned back around and smirked at me.

"You know me. I don't like to hide my feelings." I smiled back and he went into his room.

I sighed and went into mine. I went over to my bed and lay down, thinking.

Should I ask her out?

------/Time Skip to the Next Day/-----------

Aphmau's POV
I woke up the next morning and rubbed my eyes. I looked on the ground and saw Celeste still sleeping. I smiled and walked out of my room and downstairs.

Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan were already up and were watching TV in the living room. I greeted them and went into the kitchen to grab a donut. I sat down on the couch and watched TV with the girls.

"Hey Kawaii~Chan. Can I ask you something?" Katelyn asked. Kawaii~Chan looked at her and smiled.

"Of course, Katelyn~Sama. What is it?" She asked.

"Well, are you and Dante a thing? Sorry, I'm just curious." Katelyn asked.

We'd already told Kawaii~Chan that Garroth and I saw their kiss and she was perfectly fine with it. We didn't really spend too much time on that subject and I'll admit, I was pretty curious too.

"W-Well, Kawaii~Chan doesn't know. Dante~Kun and Kawaii~Chan haven't really talked about it much. S-Should Kawaii~Chan ask him?" She asked to no one in particular.

"I think you should, Kawaii~Chan. If you don't know then it'd be a good idea to talk to him about it." I said.

"Okay, Kawaii~Chan will talk to Dante~Kun later today. Thank you, Aphmau~Senpai." Kawaii~Chan replied, smiling at me.

I smiled back and faced the TV again.

A few minutes later, Kawaii~Chan got a text and said she had to leave. It was probably Dante wanting to talk so we let her. Now it was just me and Katelyn.

We started watching Once Upon A Time when Katelyn spoke.

"Hey Aphmau? I need some advice." She asked and I looked at her.

"Sure Katelyn. What's up? Is something wrong?" I asked add she shook her head.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to do you get a boy to like you?" She asked and my eyes went wide.

"What? D-Do you have a crush on someone, Katelyn?" I asked and she blushed.

"N-Yes. Maybe."

"Who is it?" I asked, suddenly very curious. Katelyn hadn't had a crush on anyone since High School so I had to know who it was.

"Um, L-Laurance." She said. I was shocked.

"Laurance?! Really?!" I asked.

"Aphmau. Please don't make a huge deal over this."

"Katelyn, I'm going to make a huge deal over this! You have a crush on Laurance! When did this happen?"

"At the carnival. Laurance and I were alone for a while and I got to know him a lot better. He's really sweet and funny. But the only problem is......."

I sighed, knowing what she was going to say.

"Is that he has a crush on me." I added and she nodded.

"Katelyn, I'm-"

I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Katelyn got up and answered it. She smiled as she opened the door.

"Hey Laurance, Garroth. What's up?" She greeted and I got up too, walking over to them.

"Hey. Actually, I wanted to ask you a question, Katelyn." Laurance said.

"Wow, didn't add the 'Lady' to my name this time? This must be important." Katelyn joked and Laurance chuckled.

"Heh, yeah. Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go watch a movie with me tonight." He said and my jaw dropped.

I saw Garroth behind him, smirking.

"Um, s-sure. But L-Laurance? Is this a d-date?" Katelyn asked and I smiled.

"Yup." Laurance replied, smiling.

"Wow, forward as ever Laurance, huh?" I joked and he laughed.

"You of all people should know that, Aph." He said and I laughed. Laurance turned his attention back to Katelyn.

"So, it's a date then?" He asked and I saw Katelyn smile.

"Yeah, it's a date." She said.

"Good. Now, I need to stay here for a minute to make sure he does his end of the deal. Go ahead, Garroth." Laurance said, stepping aside.

Garroth's face flushed and he looked away, not making eye contact with anything but the ground.

"I-I-I d-don't k-know w-w-what you're                  t-t-t-talking a-a-about, L-L-Laurance." He stammered, making Laurance laugh.

"Oh come on, Garroth. You don't want me to do it for you, do you?" Laurance asked.

"I-no, b-b-but."


Garroth looked up at Laurance, still blushing like crazy. Laurance was smirking and they had like a silent argument. Laurance won.

I saw Garroth take a deep breath and face the doorway. Katelyn moved out of the way as he looked at me.

"A-Aphmau? W-Will y-you go o-out to             d-d-d-dinner w-w-with m-m-me, t-tonight?"

Author's Note
I am so evil, ending the chapter here. Sorry not sorry.😋😋😋😋😋

I really like how this book is turning out and I know some of you do too. I'm super happy about that! Thank you!💖

Also, Oh My Irene! Episode 100 of Minecraft Diaries is coming out TOMORROW! I'm so excited to see what happens.

Thank you all for all of your support throughout this book. It really makes me happy to see people saying that they like it so, Thank you. You all are amazing.

Love you all!

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