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jungkook would cower in everytime a customer comes in, trying to hide his vulnerable self all the time. he was a new worker in the club therefore he goes unnoticed unlike those who were regulars. people would just walk past him and the said boy would release a breath he held in with fear.

his boss would just shoot him a glare and scoff at him for being useless but kept him still since he didn't have time to find a replacement.

jeon jungkook hated this. he is disgusted by himself. he felt like a whore, he is a whore, selling his body to perverted or horny man. but he wants to cry because what can he do? he has no other choice. he couldn't get a proper job because he dropped out of school, his parents are dead and he's struggling to earn a living at the age of eighteen.

so here he is, wearing a black and red striped sweater that is torned with tight black leather pants while sitting on the stool in the club, the flashing red, blue and green lights making him dizzy. other workers like him all already had a partner and yet he's still in his stool, biting his bottom lip as he fiddled with his fingers. this is normal, not like he was noticed by many so he spends a lot of days not getting money but he's okay with it because it means that his body doesn't have to be used for useless sex.

but tonight, oh tonight, the moment that orange haired male entered the club as many watched him, he knew his life is going to be fucked up.

jungkook watched as many drooled over him while he slid in a booth with his friends, one of them getting up to order their drinks. his eye casted down the male's feature, from his vibrant hair colour, to his deep and dark midnight eyes, his high cheekbones, his sharp pointed nose to his pink plush lip amnd lastly, a sharp and defined jawline that had jungkook breathless for a moment. the boy's eyes wandered further and he could make out the well defined body the male has from his sculptured arm and the veins that were showing.

jungkook flicked his eyes back up, and that's when their eyes met. those dangerous dark eyes directed to him that he felt his breath was caught in his throat as he quickly looked away and turned in his stool, clasping the material over his heart as he bit the insides of his cheek.

jimin watched as the male a few seats from him ogled at him before looking away. he knew it was one of the workers here from the clothing but thought of how young the male looked for a while.

he contemplated for a few seconds before standing up from his seat and ignoring the questioning look from his group of friends as he walked up to kim hanbin, the owner of the club.

"how old is he?" jimin asked, voice low against the deafening music and beats.

"who?" hanbin cocked an eyebrow and crosses his arms. both hanbin and jimin had a mutual relationship and respect each other which is why hanbin isn't scared like the others who were in the club.

"that guy sitting on the stool in front of the bartenders" jimin answered as his gaze wondered to the said boy.

"the name's jeon jungkook. he's a newbie so i don't suggest you take him because he's really damn shy and awkward-"

"give me. i want him"


"hanbin, i want that boy" all it took was one look that had hanbin nodding, walking up to jungkook as jimin walked down the halls to a room at the furthest end of the club, a room specially for him that wasn't shared with other customers becuase he doesn't want to smell the scent of disgusting sex in his room.

his room was the largest, everything in dark, maroon red colour that suit to his liking with a spacious bed and couch followed with a blasting air conditioning.

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