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jungkook woke up to the sound of water running.

he sat up from the bed and rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the fatigue feeling in his system. the young boy looked around, when yesterday's memories flashbacked in his mind that made him gasp as the bathroom door opened.

jimin stepped out, a towel hanging off his waist as he dried his orange locks with the other. he noticed the other awake on the bed which made him smirk.

"have a shower. i'm going to leave you for awhile, i have things to do today" the older said as he began to dress himself up, not saying another thing.

jungkook blushed furiously as he got off the bed, scurrying to the bathroom and let out a breath he didn't knew he held once he heard the click of the lock. he sighed and began to undress himself before stepping into the shower.

as he washed himself, something came to his mind.

jimin didn't do anything to him.

he didn't even touch jungkook after saying those words that made jungkook's eyes widen eventhough he nodded timidly yesterday night.

he is park jimin's pet- no slave, now.

why the dangerous man didn't torture and hurt jungkook was left as a wonder that the boy wanted to find out.


"jeon jungkook"

the black haired looked up from the plate of pancakes he was eating that were made by the maids in the eerily large mansion which kept many secrets.

his cheeks turned a soft pink when jimin brush his thumb at the corner of his lips, wiping off the crumbs that were there.

"listen here. you are not allowed to leave this place. if you even try, which i don't think you will, i will have to punish you, you understand me?" jimin's tone was strong enough to intimidate the younger, almost instantly nodding his head multiple times with large eyes looking up at the other.

jimin smirked before leaning forward, capturing the other's lips in a chaste kiss that made jungkook's heart doubled its speed as his grip on the fork and knife tighten.

"a few of my mens, the helpers and butlers will be in here so i'll have them keep a look-out on you. see you soon baby boy" jimin caressed the other's cheek before walking off with a couple of guys trailing behind.

jungkook pushed his plate of food away, not having anymore apetite to eat as he hopped off the counter, hugging himself as he took careful steps around the mansion.

"jimin didn't say i couldn't, right?"


"okay, spill" taehyung urged as they walked down the long corridor of the house, going to the furthest end to take the stairs down to the basement.

"what?" jimin replied flatly, stuffing his hands into the pockers of his pants.

"don't what me park jimin. that kid earlier on, who the fuck is he?"

"i bought him"

"that's a first, you usually dump your sex buddies everytime"

"i didn't fuck him kim taehyung"

taehyung halted his steps, turning to look at his bestfriend.


"he's just another toy, don't worry"

". . .right, just. . .another toy" taehyung narrowed his eyes at the orange haired before shrugging it off once they reached the basement where three other pairs of eye greeted them.

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