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jungkook is sulking.

for a moment, he pouts as his eyes narrow on jimin who looks at him with a small laugh, "babyboy, stop" jungkook is indignant and petulant as he stomps off to the pool, taehyung and hoseok already there waiting for them.

jimin is supposed to be there with him and the other two, but he told the younger he had to leave to sort out some things which made jungkook's mood drop to zero. he's supposed to be here with jungkook. not somewhere else doing god knows what.

jungkook sniffles before deciding to not be childish or rude to jimin, silently making his way to the two who waved when they saw him and jimin following behind.

"you're swimming with us right?" taehyung asks as jungkook sighs, trying to ease the sadness from him. the thing he's upset about is jimin always has to be somewhere for something else. always has to leave jungkook alone while he leaves and jungkook feels as if jimin just needs him when he is needed eventhough he knows it's isn't but when your boyfriend is the head for a mafia association, you can't really feel happy all the time.

"kook?" hoseok waves a hand in front of his face and the boy blinks before seeing jimin already by his side, staring at him with such intensity it makes him shiver.

"he'll be here with you guys, i have some things to do. i'll come back later" jimin says and he turns, guessing jungkook might need time to cool down but the latter abruptly whimpers and wraps his arms around jimin's waist, tightening his hold.

"i'm sorry, please forgive me. i didn't mean to be angry at you, i was upset 'cause i wanted you here" jungkook mumbles pitifully, tears in his eyes waiting to spill out but doesn't.

jimin sighs, pulling the arms around his waist making jungkook momentarily panic as he whines but jimin laces their fingers together and pulls him in for a kiss, slow and intimate to calm the younger boy down, one hand coming up to caress his jaw before pulling away when he hears hoseok and taehyung coughing loudly, before throwing themselves in the pool, away from the two.

"i'll come back, really, i just have to finish some things and call father to tell him everything's alright here" jungkook looks down before forcing a smile on his lips, looking back up to meet jimin's eyes, "okay daddy, come back fast" he mumbles before pecking jimin's lips, turning around to join the two in the pool.

jimin leaves when he sees jungkook splashing water around and laughs loudly.

now he just has to get the gift and organize the room.

honestly, jimin's kind of nervous, not in a bad way, it's just that he's never done anything like this for someone, it's always someone pleasing him or him getting pleased by his successes as a leader. doing things like this makes him wonder if he really had gone too soft at jungkook.

but jungkook deserves this, he deserves so much and jimin knows jungkook will like the things he's going to do for him, despite it going to be a tough work, added with the little time he has so he drives off first to a flower shop he could find there.

it's three hours later, the sun almost setting and the three of them at an ice cream bar enyoing their treats when jimin comes, a paper bag in one hand as jungkook squeals when he sees him, hopping of his seat.

"daddy!" he jumps onto the older, giggle muffled by jimin's shirt as jimin kisses his cheek.

"had fun?" jungkook nodded, tugging jimin onto a seat, feeding him the icy treat as the male nodded to taehyung and hoseok. "baby this is for you, wear it later yeah?" jimin hands the bag to him, and jungkook chooses to see it when he changes later on.

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