twenty one

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this is a continuation of the last chapter.

jimin has him caged under his body, lips sliding hotly against each other as jungkook's hands went to unbutton the older's shirt slowly. jimin moves them up, breaking away to put the flowers away before jungkook tugs at him again.

"excited?" he smirks, looking down at the male, lips kissed swollen and red. jungkook pulls him down again, jimin attaching his lips to the younger's neck, sucking and biting that has jungkook gasping before he pulls the younger's sweater over his head, throwing it away somewhere in the room. jimin discards his pants and panty too, jungkook turning red but he throws jimin's shirt away before kissing the exposed skin, making jimin groan, pushing jungkook back down as he starts trailing kisses down his body.

"daddy" jungkook whines as the older pushing his thighs apart and kisses his inner thigh, making him twitch and pant, fisting the sheet while jimin sucks pretty bruises people can't see except for him.

jimin looks up once, sees jungkook's dishevelled face, eyes close as he bit his bottom lip so hard, trying to muffle his moans. he takes jungkook by surprise, pushing his tongue in jungkook's hole, the younger's squeal melting into a moan, wrapping his legs around jimin's neck as he ruts into the older, eyes rolling to the back of his head when jimin sucks roughly, pushing his tongue back in afterwards.

"daddy! daddy please i'm gonna- i'm-" jimin removes himself fully, jungkook flopping down to the sheets with a sob, looking at the mafia leader with half lidded eyes. "daddy plea- daddy!" he has two fingers in him, prodding and rubbing till his back arch, mouth open in a silent moan as jimin teasingly rubs at his prostate, pushing his legs apart when he closes them, growling lowly.

"you're doing so good for me baby, just a little more yeah? then i'll give you what you want, if you tell me" he kisses up the male's body, sucking his nipple in his mouth which made the pleasure intensify.

"i w-want your cock daddy please, please i've been good" he whimpers, squirming in the sheets when jimin adds another finger. but jimin doesn't stop, he quickens his pace moving in jungkook, the boy's broken moans and high pitched whimpers stirring him on, his dick tightening in his pants.

"daddy stop! i'm gon-i'm gonna come! daddy! dadd-"

"come on baby, come for me. you've been good, you deserve to come" jimin sucks the head of his dick into his mouth, tonguing at his slit while jungkook fucks himself back on his fingers and he's gone, cum splattering inside jimin's mouth. he removes his finger's, jungkook immediately crashing their lips to taste himself, moaning into his mouth when jimin spanks his ass.

"i want your cock daddy, i want you inside me, i want you to fuck me until i cry" he says once jimin pulls back, the older's eyes darkening even more if it were possible as he tackles jungkook harshly down, making jungkook laugh, sultry and arousing. he removes his jeans fast, climbing up jungkook's body, prying his legs open before pushing himself in all the way, punching a gasping moan out of jungkook's lips, shaky hands gripping the sheets above his head when jimin starts moving, bashing into his sweet spot, his stuttered moans bouncing off the walls as the bed creaks loudly.

jimin brings his hand up to jungkook's throat, tightening and squeezing, jungkook's eyes snapping open as the air closed around him. "okay?" jimin grunts out, just because he wants to make sure jungkook's fine as he softens his hold but jungkook grips jimin's wrist, looking up at him.

"choke me daddy"

jimin growls, eyes closed as the words sink in him, snapping his hips rougher and wrapping his fingers around jungkook's neck once more, crushing his windpipe that has jungkook choking, back arching and legs wrapping around the older's torso.

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