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"daddy?" the boy peeks through the door, his small head popping in. jimin snaps his head up from the files he's been working on, "daddy!" jimin smiles and pushes his chair back to let the child crawl into his lap, poking and squishing the mafia leader's cheek, happily bouncing on his small feet.

"what's up haneul? where's appa?" at the mention of his father, he suddenly remembers why he's here in the first place. big doe eyes similar to jungkook's stares at him and stops his bouncing that jimin feels a warmth bursting in his chest as he holds his child a little tighter, thankful for this little creature in his life.

haneul's growing up too fast, the past five years moving like a flash in front of his eyes as he watches his son grow to become a bright and bubbly boy, smart and cheerful in many ways. being a parent isn't easy with his status as a leader still in his throne but with jungkook always by his side, he makes it easier to breathe everyday, and adding haneul into it, the child makes jimin feel happy even when he's tired or stressed from the pressure of work.

"daddy! appa made me come here to ask you to eat dinner with us, come on!" haneul laughs when jimin litters kisses on his face, shrieking in glee when he is being picked up, clutching his tiny fingers onto jimin's shirt.

"what a good boy, listening to your appa" haneul peers up at his father with confusion in his eyes before giving a smile, "of course i am, i wanna be a good big brother too you know, appa says i have to be a role. . .role. . .daddy i don't know what appa said" he hides his face in jimin's shoulder when the male laughs, cooing at haneul while walking out to the dining table and sees jungkook setting up the plate, putting haneul down in his chair to wrap his arm around jungkook's waist, earning a kiss on his lips.

"i thought you were gonna rot in there" jungkook teases as he continues setting up the table, making jimin narrow his eyes at him, "i would watch my mouth if i were you, love" jungkook gulps, turns in his hold and shakes his head, "sorry daddy" he whispers and jimin brushes the hair out of his eyes, humming in satisfaction as he watches jungkook bites his bottom lip, eyes casting downwards.

"daddy! i'm hungry!" the whine haneul gave made both males snap out of their trance, sitting down at the table as jungkook fed haneul his food, jimin watching as the black haired cheeks blossom into a shade of pink.

"appa" jungkook hums, wiping off the side of the boy's lip with his thumb before spooning his own food, "why do i hear you call daddy 'daddy' sometimes?" jungkook chokes on his food, eyes going wide as he stares at jimin who's biting his tongue to not burst out in laughter. jimin shrugs his shoulder, picking up his wine and stares at jungkook as he drinks, making his husband glare at him.

"haneul, here eat your rice" haneul blinks at his father, bottom lip poking out as his question wasn't answered but opens his mouth when his spoon was poked on his lips, "why are your cheeks red appa?" now jimin can't hold his laughter and covers his mouth as his eyes turns into crescents, making jungkook want to stab him with his fork but also kiss him senseless.

"it's nothing haneul-ah, come on and finish up your food, appa's sleepy"


jimin presses a kiss on jungkook's shoulder as he enters the bathroom after putting haneul to sleep, the male giving him a smile through the bathroom's mirror, toothbrush in his mouth. jimin takes his own toothbrush and brushes his teeth, jungkook settling himself onto the counter as he waits for jimin after he's done. the silver haired washes his mouth and places his toothbrush back before slipping in between his husband legs, hands on his waist possessively and gazes at warm eyes already looking at him, glinting in the light.

"i have something for you daddy" jimin rubs his sides, humming in question as jungkook smiles and brings him back into their room, pulling him down onto the bed as he settles in jimin's lap after reaching for a box in the drawer, and sees jimin looking at him in confusion.

"what is it baby?" jungkook slid out from his lap and crosses his legs om the bed before handing jimin the box, urging the male to open it. jimin straightens up before slowly opening the lid, a whole bunch of wrapping papers inside as he took it out, glancing at jungkook before continuing until he finds a card and a white envelope.

"what?" jungkook presses his lips against him for a second before breaking into a beautiful smile that left jimin awestruck.

"just read it please" jungkook says softly and bites his lips, playing with his fingers nervously.

hey daddy,

i know christmas is coming but i'm sorry you won't be getting your gift until september next year. i hope you will be patient enough and still love us though! because i love you, so much.


jimin's breath hitches as the words processes in his mind, feels like his breath is knocked out from him as he opens the envelope and finds a sonogram of a tiny body. jimin snaps his head up at jungkook who already has tears in his eyes, "jungkook, really?"

"yes jimin"

jimin pulls him into his lap and holds him tight, laughter bubbling up in his chest as his heart aches in the most beautiful ways, "baby, really?" jungkook nods aganist his shoulder and giggles as jimin is still in shock, body shaking in happiness.

"you're gonna be a daddy again" jimin kisses him, hand tightening around his waist as jungkook lays down on him, a hand playing in his hair as he bit the younger's lip, entering the sweet and warm cavern, leaving jungkook moaning and breathless once they pull away, eyes half lidded with his lips bitten red and swollen.

"kiss me, daddy" jimin grunts and rolls them over, hand sneaking under his shirt to touch the warm and pliant skin beneath his fingers, hears jungkook sigh as he throws his head back when jimin leaves a trail of wet kisses from his jaw to his collarbone, biting the skin there to create more bites, annoyed at the colours that are fading from last night.

when jungkook turns into a gasping mess, writhing under him as he clenches his fingers in the sheets from jimin licking and biting his now swollen nipple, abused and red, jimin turns them around, making jungkook yelp in surprise as he straddles jimin, hooded eyes staring at him with lust that jungkook feels his belly twisting and churning.

"kiss me, baby"

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