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"as i'm ageing, this mafia association would need a stronger leader who can be your support and give you future commands. and today, i'll be officially passing my title as leader to my second son in throne, park jimin" the said male walked up to the platform, giving a curt nod to the people who applaused loudly.

"i'm trusting my son into keeping a stable and strong clan as we are now and i hope you people will also instill trust in him" his father said before going down, leaving jimin on the stage as he briefly looked at the audience and the whole association in front of his eyes.

"as your leader, you have my words to keep all of you safe from danger and getting caught in the things we do. but, respect is what i need. without respect, we are all just normal, weak human beings. you respect me, you spare your life. that's all i have to say, all of you are dismissed" the clank of his shoe resonated against the tile floor as he walked down, taehyung and hoseok behind him only for him to stop at the sound of door opening.

his eyes turned dark and cold.

"how did he manage to get in here?" he asked, to no one in particular but his fist clenched as the male in front of him had a smug looking smirk plastered on his face.

"ending the ceremony already? i didn't even get invited baby boy" yoongi took steps to get closer to the orange haired, only to get a gun pointed at the side of his head.

"one more step, and i'll shoot you" jimin glanced, seeing taehyung giving him an assuring look.

"what do you want min yoongi?" jimin hissed dangerously, a crowd starting to form.

"i just wanted to see my baby getting a new title, is that wrong?"

"stop fucking calling me that"

before yoongi could spit out another remark, he was dragged out harshly, a scowl on his face that turned into another sinister smirk.

"how the fuck was he able to enter our premises?" jimin shot an icy glare at everyone in the room before leaving the ceremony area, wanting to just end his listless day.

the orange haired tugged on his tie as he pushed opened his bedroom door, only to see jungkook curled up in a corner of the room, figure shaking as the pillow against his chest was clutched tightly by trembling fingers.

"jungkook?" jimin closes the door before he went to the younger boy, stripping off his blazer as he takes in the vulnerable look of the younger.

at the name, his head shoots up as he cries the older's name, hands automatically wrapping around the older's torso as he whimpered, gripping jimin's dress shirt tightly.

"what's wrong baby boy?" jimin pulls away and looks at jungkook, his face paler than usual while his eyes were glazed over.

"t-there were people just now, they c-came in and asked me where you were, when i didn't answer them, t-they choked me and i-i" he stops, he can't continue because he is frightened and shaking, he thinks he can faint if it wasn't for the older male here.

"fuck" jimin runs a hand through his hair as he brought them both to the bed, lying the younger on his lap as jungkook had a death grip on jimin's shirt. he observes the red faint marks on jungkook's neck and growls lowly.

"it's okay baby, it'll be okay"

jimin notices a small red paper on the bed, picking it up and reading the note on it only for his blood to boil more.

he is beautiful, i bet you made him your slut didn't you? just like how i made you mine.

it didn't had a name but jimin doesn't need one, he knew who was it that made jungkook scared shitless till he is crying against him.

"w-where were you? i d-didn't know what to do" jungkook whimpered against him neck, sniffing.

"i had something on baby, i'm sorry i wasn't here but you're safe now. i'm here now"

jimin tilts his head up, pulling them into a slow and deep kiss, slipping his tongue into jungkook's warm cavern, flicking his tongue and sucking on his bottom lip making jungkook release a soft gasp.

jimin layed him down beneath him and jungkook closes his eyes shut as hands started to roam all over his body.

"i'm going to kill that bastard" jimin deadpanned as he and taehyung sat in jimin's office, jungkook still asleep in his room.

"not as easy as said. he is a min, you know the min's also has many tactics to get what they want" taehyung clicks his tongue as he throws a seven of diamonds on the table. playing cards always help them both relieve their stress on everything that is happening.

"his men choked jungkook and made him scared to death. what would you do if that happened to your boyfriend?" jimin glares at him, drawing out a king of spade before rubbing his temple, brows knitting together in frustration.

"jungkook isn't your boyfriend though, is he?"

jimin snapped his head up and gave a stoic look to his friend, scoffing.

"unless you tell me you actually have feelings for him?" taehyung added, game forgotten as they sat facing each other on the leather chair.

"who are you kidding?"

"come on park jimin, i know jungkook isn't just a toy like you told me" the younger adds in, punching him in the ribs softly.

jungkook took small steps towards jimin's office- it took him a week to find out which one of the many rooms was it- rubbing his eyes as his lips were pushed out into a pout. he had a white bear in his arms that he hugged while he continued walking, realising there was noises from the room, which meant that jimin isn't alone.

as he neared the room, the voices became clearer and his heart doubled it's speed when taehyung mentions about his name towards jimin, only for it to shatter into pieces as his grip on the bear loosens, falling to the floor as he closed his eyes and took a shaky breath before running back into the room, tears falling down once he reached the bed.

"jungkook's just a damn toy kim taehyung. i have no feelings attached to him, will you stop spitting out irrational things out of your mind? i'll probably get tired of him like how i got with the others"

jungkook thought falling in love was beautiful, but it made him a wreck.

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