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it's probably his first time visiting thailand.

and probably his first time taking a plane which is why the boy is shaking silently, gripping jimin's hand tighter as he squeezes his eyes shut.

technically, there's only his boyfriend and his guards which is in the other cabin excluding the pilot since it's jimin's private jet but jungkook still has jitters.

"baby?" when the said boy doesn't answers, jimin turns and look at him, seeing the boy biting his lip so hard jimin thinks the skin might break.

"have you not been on a plane before?" jungkook shakes his head violently, still keeping his eyes shut.

jimin chuckles deeply before turning back in his seat, pecking the younger's cheek.

"don't be so tense, it's nothing"

"i'm scared" jungkook finally whispers out, clutching the older's hand to his chest as his eyes begins to glisten and jimin thinks of how vulnerable the boy is that he knows so little things about the real world.

"come here baby" the male pats his lap and jungkook shakingly went over, straddling the older male and almost cries when the plane started moving and ascending up towards the air.

"baby, it's nothing" jimin shakes his head, rubbing the younger's back through his sweater.

"i don't like this" jungkook whines softly, finally calming down his erratic heartbeat and pulling away from his hold on the mafia leader.

"you're so cute" jungkook ducks his head, bangs falling over his eyes as a soft blush coloured his cheeks.

jimin cups his cheeks, tilting the younger head's up to kiss him, the younger melting into the touch, pliant in the other's hold. he winds his arm around jimin's neck as the older bites his bottom lip, licking his way through his lover's cavern.

they pulled away when they needed air, jimin setting the younger back into his seat as he notices jungkook's eyes becomes droopy.

"tired?" jungkook nods, eyes slowly falling shut. jimin gets up to take the blanket from one of the cabinets, draping it onto the younger's sleeping figure before settling back in his seat.

his main purpose in thailand is to meet shin hoseok, a gun dealer that has not been paying for his things and gun shipments for almost four months. jimin usually gives his dealers a one time warning- warning as in killing one of their man, or a family member.

the leader's patience had worn off and he knows that guy has been hiding, and he knows fully well why.

when the group arrived in bangkok, thailand, jungkook was still asleep and jimin had to go check up on his team that is set in thailand for the dealing of items which is quite far from the hotel they are staying at.

the orange haired carefully carries the sleeping male into the backseat of the car, telling one of his guys to bring him back to the hotel room and just leave the card in the room.

once done, he took off in his own car, going off the streets of bangkok.

he just had to find shin hoseok, first.

when jungkook woke up, he finds himself alone in a hotel room, bright ceiling light blinding his view. once he re-adjusts to the lighting, he became fully awake when he realised jimin left him alone. he frowns, fear creeping up his guts because he is in a foreign land and without jimin, he doesn't even know what to do. he doesn't even know where he is.

jungkook sighs and braces himself before stepping onto the floor, taking a first look at his surroundings and thought of how expensive this hotel could be because it's magnificent, gold carvings on the wall with a chandelier in the middle of the living room. of course jimin is rich enough to buy a fucking suite, jungkook thinks before slowly going to the door and taking a peek outside.

he saw hoseok and a few other man outside. the brown haired male glanced at him and gave a small smile, telling him jimin will be back soon enough and to not worry.

the boy pouts before shutting the door back and settling back onto the bed, switching on the tv and flipping through channels till he found an interesting one.

jungkook was halfway through watching a horror movie that was playing on the screen when the door beeped and opened, revealing a black haired male walking in and closing the door behind him.

jungkook didn't seem to realise the other's presence in the room since he is too engrossed in the movie while covering himself with the blanket that it covers almost his entire body because jeon jungkook is very brave.

jimin walks into the room with mild confusion and bewilderment before he flicks his eyes onto the screen, realising why the younger was acting that way. the male slowly makes his way to the bed as he unbuttons his cuffs, jungkook still not noticing anything.

"baby?" jimin just so happens so say it the same time the ghost in the story decides to do a jump scare, making jungkook scream loudly as he jumped, covering his whole form into the blanket.

the older sits onto the bed as he uncovers the boy, the black haired finally noticing his presence.

"daddy! don't scare me like that!" jungkook frowns, removing the entire blanket from himself before settling himself onto jimin's lap without being asked.

"how are you?"

"you left me"

"you were sleeping baby"

"that's not an excuse" jimin raises an eyebrow and jungkook whines as he shook his head, making them fall onto the other's shoulder and he kissed it softly while his hands rest on the leader's chest.

"i'm going to take you somewhere tomorrow" he says as he strokes the boy's hair, the movie long forgotten.



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