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it was times like this that jungkook wishes would mean more than just after sex cuddles. because jimin would let him snuggle up to him and fall asleep together.

only this time, jungkook was awake while the other was already dozing off and jungkook took his time to admire the other's body. the man has a couple of beautiful tattoos, artistic designs imprinted on his tanned skin with black ink. the younger lightly traced the drawing, lightly ghosting his fingertips across the other's bare body.

the orange haired has a small cross at the back of his right ear, a tiny one right behind his earlobe and another one on the inside of his left wrist. there is a quote right above his collarbones, sliding across towards the other end drawn in cursive, bold fonts. flowers in crimson red and black curves were layed out from the back of his right shoulder to the front.

jungkook didn't really fancy people with tattoos, he deems them as bad and useless people but for jimin, he wouldn't mind. because park jimin is an exceptionally good-looking human being- he's hot, sexy, the definition of sex and jeon jungkook doesn't even likes sex.

also, his tattoos paired with his multiple piercings that he has- two standard piercings on each ear, a helix piercing on his left ear and a tongue piercing- just adds on to his beauty and jungkook has fallen.

the younger was tracing the beautiful flower that was imprinted onto the other's skin when fingers interlaced with his and pulled them away.

"you like them?" jimin smirked, kissing the younger's knuckles.

"it's pretty" jungkook replied shyly, looking up at the other through his bangs.

jimin removes himself from jungkook and the younger almost frowns but stops himself and sat up on the bed, wrapping himself with the blankets to add more warmth.

"i'm bringing you out today, get you some clothes or something" jungkook looks at him wide eyed, as if he didn't believe what the other had just said.

"i-i get to go out?" jungkook squeaked out softly, crossing his legs infront of him.

jungkook's smile widens when jimin nods and god by all means does jimin want to smile back but he refrains himself, walking towards the the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.


"oh my god you look so cute!" taehyung squeals as he jumps off the couch and goes towards the younger, grinning playfully.

"wanna impress that soon to be mafia leader?" he wiggles his eyebrows, poking the younger's cheek when jungkook blushed a deep red, shaking his head furiously.

"shut up tae!" the younger smacks the other's hand, only causing the other to burst into laughter since he was right. the black haired had come to getting used to taehyung and considered him as a friend in the household.

okay maybe jungkook wanted to look good in front of jimin but did taehyung really had to make it obvious? jungkook was just wearing a black and white striped t-shirt with white overalls that reached to his knees paired with his sneakers.

"what the fuck are you laughing about?" the orange haired male came towards them and glances at taehyung before looking at the younger.

jimin ends up staring because he has a thing for cute things. don't blame him but he never shows it because who is he kidding, he can't.

and so jungkook ends up squirming under his intense gaze and bites his bottoms lip which ends up getting bit by jimin's own lips as taehyung fake gags, walking away from them.

"bite your lip like that and that's what you get baby boy" the older grins teasingly as jungkook looks away, thinking that his face couldn't get any redder than it already is.

jimin then brings the other to his white porsche spyder, jungkook lost count how many cars jimin has or the total number he saw because it's loaded, making their way towards the city with one other black mercedes trailing behind.


jimin parked his car into one of the known and popular mall in the city area as both males got out and started walking, soon entering the first floor of the mall.

"lets get you some clothes" jimin said as he took the younger's hand in his before walking, his mens following them behind.

okay so jungkook finds out that you can get a lot of attention when you're found with the park jimin. firstly, you get lots of stink eyes from people- especially girls and secondly, you feel like you're being stalked because they're everywhere. jungkook's grip on jimin's tightens as more girls gave him death glares and jimin notices, glancing down to see the younger feeling uncomfortable with the people looking at him. he glances around and doesn't even need to know why.

he lets go of the hand and jungkook panics momentarily before jimin assures him and takes out a gun from his back pockets, firing at a girl that was shooting daggers at the younger. gasps were heard as people backs away, some running away in fear.

"you guys want to be like her don't you?" the orange haired spat, eyeing everyone like prey.

"i see anyone looking or following us, it's your funeral day, not mine" the male said before taking jungkook's hand again and started walking into a clothing store, not even glancing at the other's shocked expression.

jimin just shot someone for him.

he shot the girl so that people know and gets the message to fuck off and stop threatening him with looks and jungkook's stomach swirls at the thought as he felt light-headed.

"baby boy?"

jungkook snapped out of his daze, blinking at the other.

"i asked whether you like these" the older said as he showed him some sweaters and long sleeved shirts.

"y-yeah" as a matter of fact, all the clothes jimin picked out were nice but jungkook wasn't really in reality since the incident earlier on so he just followed along.

after a few trying of clothes, there was a huge pile of different types of clothing wear for the younger as jimin handed them to the shop's assistant.

"okay, we'll be getting all of these" the orange haired said as they went to the counter.

"jimin, i can't possibly-"

"jungkook, i'm you're boss, you take my orders, not the other way round" jimin smirked as he took out his credit card and handed it to the woman behind the counter.

"also, i practically own you so you're my pet, baby" he whispers, biting the other's earlobe before pulling away to sign the receipt as jungkook gulps, biting his bottom lip.

"what did i say about that lip?" jungkook instantly lets go of his bottom lip and looks away, too embarrased to face the older male.


"all of you can head back first, bring this and place it in my room. dismiss" the four men nodded and went ahead, leaving jimin and jungkook in the mall.


"we're having dinner here"

"does that mean we're going on a date?" jungkook's brain shutted down once the words leave his mouth as he clenches his eyes. he really needs to filter his thinking. he heard the other chuckling, and someone just please shoot him at this point of time.

and well apparently, someone just did. but not physically, he shot him with jealousy.


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