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"you want a tattoo. . .on your lips?" taehyung questions, tilting his head in amusement and confusion.

"yes, it's for jimin" he says softly, taehyung finally understanding the situation and cracking up a laugh.

"well okay, but we'll go tomorrow since i have to get a gift for him as well and i don't think you would want to let jimin find out about your tattoo before his birthday isn't it?" jungkook nods, agreeing to just leave early tomorrow so that they can get the tattoo in time just before the celebration.

it was jimins's twenty second birthday and the whole mafia association decided to hold up a celebration for their leader, jungkook's idea. they would be having it at the casino, hoseok already telling jinhwan in advance to close the casino tomorrow for the whole day. jimin doesn't know and probably wouldn't expect it since on his birthday every year, they didn't actually celebrate it as there was work to handle. but jungkook insisted on it, pleading taehyung to spread the word because he wants to make it special since it's also their first month together but jungkook doesn't tell taehyung that.

when jimin comes home, jungkook is asleep in their room, blanket covering his form as he curled into himself, shivering a little at the cold. the male takes a shower to remove the dirt and mess that happened today, wiping off the dried blood on his cheek as well.

he slips on a new pair of briefs and shorts before making his way back into the room, throwing the towel he used to dry his hair into the hamper. he quietly slides onto his side of the bed, pulling the cover off from the other male and sliding an arm underneath his neck, minimising their gap till jungkook was pressed against him, mumbling in his sleep and tangling his legs with jimin unconsciously, hands on his chest. jimin sighs deeply and kisses the top of his head, pulling back only to see brown orbs blinking up at him sleepily.

"hey baby boy" he whispers, carding through locks of soft hair.

"when did you come home daddy?" he rubs his eyes, pushing himself up till they are face to face and spots the little cut on jimin's cheek.

"what happened?" it was standard. eventhough jimin told him so many times not to worry, jungkook still asks. he brings his hand up, going over the cut warily.

"got in a fight with one of the customer at the casino. he wanted to take advantage of jinhwan's worker" the older plainly answers, knowing there is no use lying to jungkook because he will still press on about it.

"want me to make it better?" he says suddenly, eyes twinkling as a small smile forms on his lips.

"i already-" a kiss was pressed onto his skin, making him feel warm.

he stares at the the younger, a sudden smile blooming onto his features before it disappears. jungkook's eyes went wide for a nanosecond, feeling his heart flutter at the smile but felt disappointed once it was gone. he didn't show it though, he knew jimin would break soon enough. they were taking it slow.

"oh, there's another one here too" jungkook grins before pecking the cut on his brow, pulling back to smile at the older.

"do you have anymore cuts?" jimin smirks a little, moving closer.

"i want you to make me feel better here" he breathes out, pointing to his lips.

jungkook giggles shyly before before closing their distance, placing a kiss on jimin's lips. the silver haired had a grip on his hair, pulling on it a little as his other hand caressed jungkook's jaw.

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