twenty four

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"do you think it's still safe here?" hoseok asks as they sat in jimin's office, the both of them working their ass off the whole day. the leader runs his hand through his hair, whole figure tensing visibly, stressed out and tired from the long day.

"i know it's not, i'm still thinking whether i should move father and jungkook to the house i bought last year, the one i told you about" hoseok nods at that, "you should, yoongi doesn't know where that it is, and even if he is having surveillance on us, our men are everywhere. you should make them move in quick, let us stay here, this house could blow anytime jimin, you don't know yoongi anymore. if he wants something, he gets it, and he's going after jungkook, and you" jimin's hand had turned white from how hard he was clenching it, standing up form his chair, "i get what i want too, and it's to ruin him, and his whole association. tell father to pack his things, we're moving tomorrow"

he walks up the stairs to his room, pushing open the door to find his precious boy on the bed, sound asleep with half his face buried in his pillow. jimin slowly makes his way to the bed, quietly sitting in front of jungkook and softly cards his hand through his hair. jungkook's baby bump isn't that noticable, only at his first month but when the younger lifts his shirt up, jimin can see it slowly forming, heart swelling everytime.

he doesn't realise jungkook had already woken up, gazing up at the silver haired sleepily but manages to press a small kiss to inside of his wrist where he has been running it through his hair, snapping the older from his thoughts.

"hey love, good sleep?" the male nodded his head, lips lifting up into a smile as he pushes himself up to sit on jimin's lap, hands hooked around his neck. "you look really bad daddy" he mutters into the hollow of his neck, nuzzling the skin there.

"thing's been bad, i don't get much sleep that's all" he presses his lips into younger's hair, closing his eyes to take in his scent, wrapping around him warmly.

"baby, you have to move somewhere else for the time being alright? it's not safe here anymore" jungkook's eyes went to his, understanding the situation but still, his eyes doesn't hide the sadness in it.

"you're not going to be able to see me anymore aren't you" it comes out as a staement more than a question, jimin unable to answer it as he just stares at the boy on his lap, in constant need of affection that he can't give.

"god, i'm so fucking sorry" jungkook moves to the side and jimin has his face in his hands, his fingers running through his own hair frustratingly.

jungkook sits in shock, sees jimin unfolding in the worst of times and it's really heartbreaking to watch, seoul's mafia leader breaking apart in front of his own eyes.

"i'm so sorry jungkook, i want you with me all the time, i want to make you happy all the time but i can't. i can't do that and i hate myself so fucking much for that. sometimes i wonder, if you would be better off without me, but i'm so fucking selfish i want you all by myself. how could you live with someone-"

"stop" fingers were pressed to his lips and jungkook moves to sit in front of him, looking more stronger and determined than jimin at the moment, "just stop jimin. i would never, for the life of me- i've never even thought of leaving you, so please don't say things like that" he wraps his arms around the elder, running his fingers soothingly through jimin's hair to calm him down.

jimin pulls back, brings both of jungkook's hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss there as he let a tear slip, looking back at jungkook with sincerity in his eyes, "i love you so much jungkook. i love you so, so much" jungkook smiles, closing the gap between them and resting his body on jimin, jimin's hands snaked around his waist protectively.

"ready to leave?" jimin's father stood up from the couch, nodding his head and gestures for his men to take his bags as they depart. jimin has jungkook's fingers entwined with his the whole time as they drove to a secluded area of seoul, only a few houses bought by the wealthy occupying the space there. the two cars parked in the driveway, hoseok and taehyung takings the things out as jimin walked in the house, his father following suit.

"father, i'm going to let you, your men and jungkook stay here for the time being. i don't know what will happen to our house there but i promise to keep it as safe as i could. i'm going to have more men here to keep guard and make sure yoongi doesn't know your whereabouts" his father nods, patting his son's back before he goes into his room, adjusting to the new space.

jimin turns to jungkook, the boy fidgeting anxiously as he caresses his stomach, eyes wide and round. "baby" jimin touches his hand, making him snap out of his daze, "yes?"

"are you going to be fine? do you need anything? if you want, i can get taehyung to stay here with you so that you could have company" jimin caresses his cheeks, looking at his lover worriedly but the black haired shakes his head and gives a small smile, "it's okay, you need taehyung more, i can cope being here" jimin kisses his forehead and brings him up to his room, settling down his things before hoseok tells him they have to go back to the mansion before the min's suspect anything.

jungkook follows the leader down, arms wrapped around his neck as soon as they're at the door and he kisses jimin so hard that he backs up to the wall, laughing as he has his hands on jungkook's waist, "baby boy" he breathes when jungkook finally lets go, smiling sadly. "i love you daddy, please stay safe, and come home quick because i'll miss you" eventhough he knows that they both don't know when jimin will be able to return and when things will settle down, he tries assuring himself.

"i will, baby, take care of yourself here alright? and our baby" jimin presses his palm against jungkook's growing stomach, gazing at the younger lovingly, seeing him nod his head.

"promise me you'll come back?" jimin presses a chaste kiss against his lips,

"i promise you jungkook"


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