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jungkook's birthday is in a week.

jimin needs some stress relief.

he turns to the side and finds jungkook staring at him longingly, tracing patterns on his chest.

"what's wrong baby boy?" he asks as he wraps his arm around jungkook's neck and pulls him closer, alomst lying on top of him.

"i miss you" he whispers bashfully, looking down and closing his eyes.

"i was always here, i'm sorry it's been kind of hectic isn't it? but it's alright for now, i'm here for you now" he kisses the top of his head, feeling jungkook smile against his chest as he giggles softly.

"baby" he starts, making jungkook look up at him and hum to tell him he's listening.

"it's your birthday soon," jimin sees jungkook smiling shyly, a faint tinge of pink on his cheeks and he smiles too, carressing the cherubic cheeks, "i wanna bring you to maldive, it's a beautiful place to enjoy your birthday, and then i'm going to take you to new york, let you enjoy a complete opposite of the calming ocean to carnivals and theme parks i know you would love to go to, how about that baby?" jimin laughs when he sees jungkook gaping, eyes wide as he stares.

"baby boy" it's when jungkook crashes their lips together that he can hear the sweet giggles and 'thank you's in between.

"i love you so much" jimin hums, pulling jungkook down to lay on his chest.

"you should start packing, we're leaving in three days"

"are taehyung and hoseok following?"

"do you want them to?" jungkook nods, nuzzling his face into jimin's neck as he kisses the skin there.

"alright i'll bring them along, only if you behave"

"yes daddy"

"maldive? isn't that like a romantic place, why are you asking us to join, all we would be hearing is you guys fucking"

"shut the fuck up, you'll get your own villa, it's jungkook's request, who would bring you along anyways" taehyung gasps, smacking the mafia leader on his shoulder while whining.

"you, are not a good friend" but jimin cocks a brow, making taehyung slump as he defeats.

"yeah alright we'll join you, what are you getting him?"

"i don't know, jesus taehyung i'm not a romantic person, i'm a fucking gangster what the fuck" he ends off exasperatedly, running a hand through his hair and leans back onto the couch.

"well that i can't help because hoseok's the romantic one. i'm leaving, gonna pack and tell hoseok" jimin groans, waving him off as he throws his head back, rubbing his temple.

"daddy?" jungkook's standing there, wearing an oversized sweater that covers his whole hand which reaches his mid thigh, matching lace stockings paired with it.

"god you don't know what you do to me" he growls lowly before getting up, making his way to the door and walking up to their room, jungkook erupting into a fit of laugh behind him.

"you done packing baby boy?" the male nods, opening his luggage bag and reveals the neatly packed clothes, sweaters, stockings and his basic necessities.

"i- i cleaned up for you too, i hope you don't mind me choosing your clothes daddy, i just wanted to help" he whispers, unzipping jimin's luggage too, making jimin hum in appreciation.

"you did a good job baby, thank you"

"you're welcome daddy" he says shyly, earning a kiss on the cheek before he pushes the luggages to the side of their room, joining jimin on the bed.

jungkook is sure about hating plane rides.

he starts shaking again, glancing at jimin who is typing away on his phone, taehyung and hoseok in the other cabin.

"daddy. . ." he quickly stops working on his phone, familiar with the tone of the voice.

"come here baby" he says softly, placing his phone away as jungkook hastily climbs onto his lap, instantly locking his arms around his neck.

"it's alright, it's nothing baby boy, you're doing fine" he rubs the boy's back, peppering his face with kisses when jungkook tightens his hold and tenses as the jet begins moving slowly, drifting into the air making jungkook squeeze his eyes shut.

"sleep baby, it's gonna be long" jimin reclines his chair, allowing jungkook to lay on him, as jimin places the blanket over the male.

"thank you daddy"

taehyung sees the scene when he opens the door, thinking about how lucky jungkook is to have jimin, someone who is cold and merciless, someone who once never opened his heart, to someone that would give his best for the male lying in his comfort, where jungkook feels the safest.

it's ten hours later when they reached maldive, the breeze and beautiful scenery captivating them.

"i could never love you more man" taehyung says as he marvels at the island's beauty.

"you're disgusting, get your ass moving" they take a valet limousine from the airport, the workers there bowing in respect when they saw jimin walking through the boarding gate, giving their greetings.

"the resort we're staying is pretty romantic, what are you up to?" hoseok winks, earning a glare from the leader while jungkook looks out, too mesmerised to fall into the conversation.

jimin is pleased when they reached the resort, a beautiful landscape and villa in the crystal clear sea, he feels all the stress slowly leaving his system.

"you like it baby boy?" jungkook jumps on him, catching his lips as he smiles, finger lacing together.

"it's so beautiful jimin, thank you" they checked in, separating into their own villas, their rooms giving a perfect view of the sea, making jungkook squeal.

"daddy i'm in love" he says as he falls onto he bed, laughing as he looks at jimin.

"yeah, me too" he says, looking at jungkook's glowing face, brown orbs sparkling and bright as he smiles prettily.

"beautiful baby" jungkook walks up to him, tilting his face up and jimin places their lips together, pushing them back onto the bed as he gets on top of jungkook, biting his bottom lip and pushing his tongue in, jungkook releasing a moan as the hand in his hair pulled the strands, the other going under his shirt, running it along his skin as jimin sucked on his bottom lip.

yeah, jungkook's in love.

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