twenty two

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jimin brings him to a carnival smack in the middle of the town as promised, they wanted to go to an amusement park but jungkook protests, wants to sleep in till night and jimin complies. jungkook gleamed as bright lights hung all over paired with loud blasting music.

"are you okay with this kind of place daddy?" jungkook knows jimin's not the one to be here, from his status and position but jimin just smiles, lacing their hands together and starts walking around with the boy.

"enjoy your time here alright" he kisses the younger's forehead before allowing jungkook to play the booths set up there, jimin following him around with a fond look in his eyes as the boy was all laughs and giggles.

"daddy, play with me!" jimin shakes his head, no, but jungkook pouts and goes all wide eyed, dropping whatever he's been holding and jimin relents, cursing for being weak which makes jungkook giggle.

they're at a gun shooting booth, jungkook eyeing the cute stuffed animals there and jimin smirks before handing in the coins to the seller.

"watch baby" jungkook's eyes widen even more if possible as he feels triggered, jimin hitting all the targets on the board like an ace, only using one hand.

"daddy. . .how. . ." jungkook numbly mutters, hands going to his lips.

he end the game fast, asking the still shocked boy to pick the plushie he wants and jungkook blinks, finally cohorent and smiles as he chooses the white bear at the top shelf. he thanks the owner before they continue walking around.

"daddy can you teach me how to shoot like you?"


jungkook turns, frowning, "but why?" he whines hiding his face in jimin's neck.

"it's dangerous baby, wouldn't want you to get hurt, plus, you're already good at shooting" he chuckles, carding his hair through soft black locks.

"no i'm not"

"yes you are, you shoot my heart all the time"

"daddy!" jimin laughs, eyes becoming crescents and jungkook falls deeper.

"oh my god, i hate you" he pouts, cheeks burning up because it's a first for jimin to flirt and be playful.

"it's the-" his reply got cut off by a scream of a woman a few metres away from them, amd then in the next second, it's chaos. sounds of guns and explosion rang through the the clear night sky, it all happened in a blink of an eye, jungkook being pulled harshly by jimin and running till they reached his car and speeding off.

jungkook shakes, trembling from the shock and jimin can't comfort him, the male's on the phone, harsh breathings and cursed words slipping through his mouth before he slams his phone, pulling off at their hotel.

he pulls jungkook close, arm around his waist as they walked up to theor room, rubbing his knuckles softly and gives a swift peck to his lips.

"i'm sorry for what happened today love, but don't think about it alright" jungkook wraps himself around the mafia leader, hiding his face in his neck and clenches hus hand in his shirt.

"baby, i have to go" at that, the younger's head snaps up, shrieking out a "no!" and pulls jimin closer.

"baby, please, i won't be for long. i need to find out what happened. those people, they're after me and if i don't-" jungkook silences him with a kiss to his lips, filled with urgency and love.

"i love you, come back quick daddy" he whispers, not trusting his voice, as he lets go. jimin kisses his forehead before leaving.

jungkook washes up, busies himself by watching movies and playing his phone, easing up his anxiousness.

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