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jungkook walks down the steps slowly, hugging himself as he pouts, eyes still red from crying. taehyung called him down for breakfast and once he nears the dining table, he sees jimin and the latter, talking while eating slowly.

taehyung flicks his eyes up, seeing the younger and shoots a smile, "hey kook" jimin doesn't even turn, continuing to eat as the both of them got back to their conversation.

jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat and sat down beside the leader, keeping a distance between them eventhough all he wanted was to curl up against jimin's side but he knows he can't. dejected, he picks up the fork and spoon, spooning a small portion of egg before munching it down, the food tasting plain to his dry mouth.

"you alright?" he hears taehyung asks when he keeps playing with the food instead of eating it after the first spoonful. he nods his head, looking down at his food.

"well i'll head off first, i have to deal with hoseok and the others about the accident last week" jimin gives a curt nod, motioning for him to leave.

jungkook looks up, seeing the brown haired boy exit the room, gulping when he realises that only he and jimin are the one in the room. but the silence remained, and it was too thick jungkook could slice it with a knife.

"i'm sorry" he says, hands clenched in his lap. it's always him to break first. his voice was so soft and broken, jimin almost didn't hear it.

he looks at the younger, gaze stoic before finishing up his food and asking the other finish his food too before he stood up and made his way upstairs, jungkook following him like a lost puppy.

once they entered the room, jimin locks the door, jungkook making his way to the bed, kneeling down on the mattress. the silver haired makes his way towards the end of the bed, looking down at boy before bringing a hand up to the other's face, the touch cold to jungkook's skin that his eyes flew shut.

"i'm sorry daddy" he says again, opening his eyes to look at the mafia leader, biting his bottom lip.

"you've been a bad boy, you know what bad boys get right?" jimin asks, voice gravely and low. when jungkook remains silent, the hand on his cheek moves to his black roots, pulling on it so hard jungkook whimpers, eyes screwing sharp.

"i asked you a question" jimin hisses, his grip tightening.

"punishment. they get punished daddy" the boy croaks out weakly, hands balled up against his side as jimin removed his hands from his hair.

"what you did out there was unacceptable, you know that right? easily succumbing to one's desire, such a fucking slut" he whispers near his ears, biting harshly and jungkook shivers. jimin moves over, sitting down on the bed.

"bend over on my leg jungkook" the said boy shakily moves, laying himself on the older's knees as his shirt was removed, his panty pulled down as jimin smooths a hand over his ass cheek, and without warning, strikes on it harshly, jungkook yelping in pain, eyes scrunched shut as his hands gripped jimin's thigh for support.

"count for me jungkook" jungkook gives a shaky 'yes daddy' before jimin slashes another strike on the same surface, the skin turning a faint red.

"two" he moans and jungkook doesn't know whether it's from pain or pleasure but his brain is in a frenzy he couldn't think.

"three" jimin smirks, smacking the skin two times continuously, the younger moaning out loud as tears spills out his eyes.

"four, five"

"such a fucking whore, never behaving when i'm not around"

"s-six, i-i'm sorry daddy, please forgive me"

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