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jungkook turned in his sleep and faced the other male who was still sleeping, his arms wrapping around the younger male tighter. jungkook rested his hands on the leader's chest as he kissed the skin softly, digging his face in the crook of his neck.

jimin groaned softly as his eyes fluttered open, seeing a mop of black hair and arms tightening its hold on his torso.

"baby?" the male's voice was hoarse, having just waking up from his sleep as he looks down at jungkook, the boy humming softly.

jungkook started drawing soft, imaginary patterns on jimin's shoulder, a chill runing down his spine at the low sound resonating from the other male.

"wake up jungkook, i told you i'm bringing you out"

"why are you calling me that?"

"baby come on" jungkook grins as he sat up and stretched, revealing the small patch of skin that the orange haired just had to kiss, making jungkook hitch a breath.

the younger looks down and smiles as he runs his hair softly through jimin's hair before standing up and head for a shower.

when jungkook steps out, there wasn't any sign of the mafia leader amd jungkook frowns, looking around the suite.


the boy pouts as he crosses his arms over himself, rubbing his skin softly as he walked around. a body suddenly pressed up against him from behind, strong arms holding up as lips connected to his neck.

"what is it?"

"where did you go?"

"no where"

jungkook wasn't fully convinced but just nodded his head, maybe jimin went out to the balcony wothout him noticing. jimin released him and took his turn in the shower, coming out with a towel wrapped on his waist, droplets of water dripping down his chest as he dried his hair with another towel after a decent amount of time.

jungkook bites his bottom lip as he sat on the bed, clenching the bed sheets as his throat goes dry. he has seen jimin like this so many times, but the feeling is as if it's the first because jimin is too hot for his own good.

this doesn't go by unnoticed by the other male in the room of course, but he just ignored in and wore the clothes he picked out earlier. jungkook watched as jimin put on the white sweater over his head, paired with black skinny jeans which hugs his legs perfectly in jungkook's eyes. seeing the older wearing these type of clothings are rare since it is normal for the male to wear dress coats.

why does he look so hot all the time?

he heard jimin chuckle from the other side of the room and his cheeks darken when he realised he said that out loud, mentally slapping himself.

"let's go" the older walked put the door and jungkook followed after, lacing their fingers together without hesitation even as he felt jimin tense before relaxing at the touch.

they walked out to the living room and jimin held a hand up when his men started getting up as well to follow them.

"it's alright. i want it only to be the two of us. all of you just keep watch here" the leader's eyes travelled to hoseok, nodding at him before asking him to give an update on shin if he receives any. hoseok nodded, shooting the black haired behind jimin a polite smile before they left.

jungkook felt the the flutters of butterflies in stomach when he realized that this is the first time jimin and him are going out alone. the other male was always guarded and now that he wasn't, jungkook didn't know what to feel.

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