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"jimin?" jungkook turns, seeing a silver haired male with two other guys behind him in suits.

jimin looks at the male briefly before giving a curt nod.

"min yoongi, what can i do for you?" the name was still fresh in jungkook's memory, jimin's past lover.

"small world isn't it? have you been well baby?"

and jungkook feels himself dies slowly as the silver haired kept on letting that pet name slip off his chapped and pale lips.

"fucking quit it with that name min yoongi, we were over long ago" the orange haired male hissed out dangerously, eyeing the other with rage in his eyes.

"oh? really baby?" yoongi brings a hand up to jimin's face, cupping the other's cheek but the contact didn't even last for a mere one second as jimin slaps the other hand roughly, the two men behind the older male instantly stepping forward until yoongi holds a hand up and laughs mockingly before his eyes lands on the black haired beside jimin who is looking at them timidly, hiding himself partially behind the older.

"and what do we have here? you found my replacement that fast? that's a record there, baby boy" jimin grits his teeth, fist clenching against his sides till it turns white.

"touch him and i'll kill you and your men" the orange haired male said lowly, voiced lace with poison, like an acid that will burn and turn into flames.

"come on" jimin growled as he grabbed the younger's hand, walking away from the mall and into their car as he starts the car and drives back.

his hold on the steering wheel were so tight that it can break but min yoongi just made him snapped, made his anger rise up and threw all his patience out of the window. and he certainly did not want that dirtbag to meet jungkook but it seems like it didn't suceed.

"who is that?" jungkook snapped his head around, seeing an older male, standing with mens surrounding him, his almond shaped eyes zeroing on jungkook that made the blacked haired feel small and vulnerable at the moment.

jimin stood up, bowing to his father before he turns to look at the younger.

"his name is jungkook. i-"

"what did i say about bringing people in?" the man's voice was cold and he was giving the black haired an icy look, it made jungkook tremble on the inside and he was sure this was jimin's father. this could be considered the first time they actually saw each other since jungkook was always being kept in jimin's room.

jungkook bowed to the older male, a scared, cautious smile grazing across his lips.

"he's mine"

his father arches up a brow, folding his hands together behind him.

"as long as i remembered, the only partner you had brought back home was min yoongi, you must have a huge liking on this boy then"

"no, he stays here, with me- with us. i bought him"

"you what?"

"father lets not talk about this. trust me, he means no harm to this family or association. i like him, that's all" jimin's father runs a hand through his hair before making his way to his office, his guards trailing behind.

did jimin just said he likes jungkook? jungkook had to dreaming, but this is reality.

"jeon jungkook" jungkook blinks, seeing jimin staring at him with a raised brow.

"lets go up" he says and makes his way to their room, the younger trying to calm his frantic beating heart.

min yoongi.

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