twenty six

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dark clouds hovers in seoul, quite matching to the atmosphere, jimin thinks absent-mindedly but snaps out of his thoughts when he phones rings. his expressions softens and he sighs before answering the call,


"hey baby, i'm here" he hears a sigh slipping off jungkook's lips and stands up to go to his office's window.

"you're okay right? i love you jimin, i love you" there's no doubt the boy's silently crying, voice shaky as he stutters over his words, repeating the same words over and over again.

"jungkook" he hears sniffs from the other side, bringing his hand up to his temple as he closes his eyes.

"baby, i love you too, so much. please calm down. it's not good for you to be crying"

"i know jimin. i know it's today. i just- oh god, i just want you to be safe. i love you. please be safe"

"i will" when he hears the door opening behind him, his eyes snaps back open.

"jungkook, don't leave the house" is all the leader says before ending the call.

he turns, seeing taehyung and hoseok already loaded up and he walks to the front, taking his own guns and slipping it inside his jacket.

"you know, we have to make this out alive" taehyung utters, glancing between them, even if he is looking anxious and worried, "you guys better be alive after this or i'll-"

"you can't kill us when we're dead taehyung-ah" hoseok says mostly to himself, head snapping to the window as he hears multiple cars coming in.

"you read my mind" taehyung laughs nervously, looking at jimin who's silent the whole time. baekhyun and jinhwan appears at the doorframe, looking at the three, "the others are waiting"

"just like we planned, everything will go smoothly" the leader finally says, taking the step to walk out of his office, down to the main hall.

yoongi's already waiting, dozens of men behind him and jimin scoffs as he walks down the stairs, gaining the daegu's leader attention.

"brought so many of your mens, scared yoongi?" he says once they're face to face, lips curving into a smirk. yoongi glances behind the silver haired, an evil glint in his eyes,

"have so little of your men, think you're strong enough to defeat me? or are your men to busy taking care of your precious boyfriend in yongsan?" jimin falters a little, but gains his composure in a second, eyes shooting daggers at male, "you touch him even by an inch, i will fucking murder you min yoongi" he snarls lowly, making yoongi throw his head back and laugh, the whole park association clenching their jaw.

"oh i won't, i favour you more than him anyways but he is, i might say, an opportunity that can't be passed" he smiles, eyes mocking and continues, "if i can't have you, no one will"

jimin leans back, grins as he turns his head to the side to look at his men behind him, "now" he says before looking back at yoongi, making the male confused as he looks at jimin's men behind, irritation bubbling up his skin at the smug smile on the silver haired lips.

suddenly, he hears one on his men cursing, end his call on his phone as he gulps before looking at his leader, "what" yoongi spats, walking closer to the male.

"they- they blew up everything. our business in every city, our warehouses. your- they even blew up your mansion"

everything goes wild from there. yoongi growls before attacking the silver haired, creating chaos and gunshots started being heard, jimin shielding each and every one of yoongi's punches while eyeing taehyung and hoseok who's already looking bad as he is. baekhyun punched the male from the back, giving the leader a moment to back away but immediately grabs one of the min's hand that was going to attack him, twisting and kicking his leg before shooting him, elbowing the guy who charges at him from his peripheral vision. he sees hoseok flying to the ground and growls, going up to him only to get a punch on his face.

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