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jungkook likes wearing jimin's clothes.

and jimin has been seeing more of his clothes on jungkook than his own and thought of how adorable jungkook looks.

especially with his sweaters. since the sleeves of the sweater is too long, it covers till his fingers as well which made them look like sweater paws.

but jimin also likes seeing jungkook wearing his oversized white long sleeved shirt. it covers his thighs mid way and god does jimin realises that jungkook changes the whole 'not wearing shorts but instead just your boxers' to wearing panties.

laced panties.

maybe jungkook likes cross-dressing, jimin doesn't know but it's not like he hates it, because it makes jungkook so fucking sexy and jimin has to restrain himself everytime.

though jungkook has been more bold nowadays, ever since they got together. no one knows yet, not even taehyung but they thought maybe the boy wasn't that stupid to not realise.

the younger has been wearing thigh high stockings and almost gave the older a heart attack when he came home one day to jungkook rocking himself against the mattress, trying to push his butt plug deeper into him as he sobs, looking at jimin desperately. they had sex for multiple rounds that day.

jungkook has also been a whole lot more talkative and daring and on a whole new level of naughtiness. jimin doesn't mind actually, never does. god, who doesn't like it when your lover can fulfil all your fantasies?

so jimin doesn't complain.

but these days, the mafia leader became too busy, since receiving the upperhand, he had to manage a lot of things for the clan and it's been stressing him out at times. of course he doesn't show it, he can't be weak in front of people.

taehyung has been asking him to take a rest, maybe spend more time with jungkook because he notes that the boy keeps on pouting recently, hugging his white bear to his chest as he sulks, staring at the tv screen blankly.

jimin feels terrible but he can't be biased just because he has boyfriend. he has to complete his tasks as a leader to make people have trust in him.

"he doesn't eat much and he just watches tv in the living room absent-mindedly. i don't think he'll even leave the room if i didn't ask him to actually" taehyung says as he sits next to jimin in the older's office.

jimin sighs as he rubs his temple, eyes slipping shut.

"don't overwork yourself jimin. jungkook's worried for you. i can tell. he's like a sick puppy waiting for his boyfriend. the group is fine, don't worry too much. go spend some time with your boyfriend" taehyung says and rests a hand on his partner's shoulder.

a knock on the door made them turn their head towards it's direction as a head peeked in.

"daddy?" jungkook muttered sleepily as he hugged the bear against him.

"yeah baby, what's wrong?" jungkook rubs his eyes as his bottom lip poked out, slowly staggering towards the mafia leader.

taehyung takes it as a cue for him to leave and stood up, flashing both of them a smile before he closes the door behind him.

jimin turned in his chair, letting the younger climb onto his lap as jungkook pouted even more.

"can't sleep?" jimin mumbled against the boy's hair as he wrapped his arms around the boy's body.

"i miss you" jungkook whispered against his neck and left a soft peck there, burying his face into his bear as a blush crept up his face.

"sorry baby, i just had too much work this past few weeks and i have to leave for thailand in two days" jungkook's head snapped up at the mention of the male leaving and his face fell.

"y-you're leaving me again?" he started to grip the bear tighter, slowly getting frustrated at his lover's schedule.

"i know you hate it baby but i have to meet a dealer there and settle some stuffs"

"im stuff" jungkook huffed, detangling himself from jimin and crossing his arms as he looked away.

okay so maybe jungkook was being too much but the older found it adorable how the boy looked with a scowl on his face, looking annoyed.

"baby boy's gonna be disobedient?" jimin arches a fine brow, hands squeezing the younger's hips and jungkook freezes as he turned back to look at jimin, shaking his head quickly as he pouts again.

"use your mouth jungkook"

"no daddy" jungkook frowns because he doesn't like being called his name by jimin, he likes the older male calling him his baby because it makes his heart flutter.

"good boy" jimin continues the rest of his work with jungkook tucked in his lap, finishing the last of it.

as he sees the younger looking at him sleepily while working, there is a sense of guilt washing over him for not spending time with jungkook and decides something.



"wanna go to thailand with me?"

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