November 9, 2011
Dear Diary,
Have you ever met drug attics, alchoholics, geeks, jocks, overweighted, popular, gothic, emo, and any other clicks or groups? Have you ever felt, if there is one, sorry for that person. That their life is just as messed up and hell-bound like yours?
Well there is this girl Maya. She seems really nice and fun, but there is something hiding behind her eyes that is hard to crack. Earlier in the year, she was talking about how her older sister once did coccaine. She started crying right in front of the class because it was such a hard topic for her to openly talk about. I felt sad for her, and I still do.
Last week she was called to the deans office. I knew why, probably asking why she has missed so many days of school. In total I think she missed thirteen or so. When she came back her eyes were red and puffy. These kids in my class make fun of why she misses so many days. They probably don't even know her whole story, I don't, but it just isn't right to do that. One day I will just tell to stop.
Another girl, Lillie, in class said she has never had a best friend, or overall a really good friend, just aquientences. It's sad really, she probably could be friends with anyone. She is so pretty and seems really nice, but there is a part that screams to be that she pushes everyone away. When we are in P.E. she wears these booty shorts that are way to short to be considered clothes. I think that she wears them to get attention. Maybe she doesn't get enough attention at home because she has six other siblings. Who knows?
But if either Maya or Lillie read this, maybe putting the puzzle pieces together, I want them to know if they ever need a really good friend or someone just to vent to, I can try and maybe succeed in helping them.
Even if people who are the meanest and cruelest, they still are human, have a breaking point, and exspecially they have feelings too . . .
The REAL Diary of a Highschooler: Freshmen Year 2011-12
NouvellesMy life . . . lonley is what it is. Sometimes I don't feel like I am, but then again it's most of the time I do feel lonesome. Lonesome because I am lost, and lost because theres no hope left, and no hope left because I am vanishing. Most high schoo...