Chapter One

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'I was visiting my mother because she called me saying she had important news. I got to her house as quickly as I could and I knocked on the door. My mother quickly answered it, and I walked in. I saw some other people at her house.

"Mom, what news did you have?" I asked.

"You are going to be married to Ayden," she said, smiling brightly.

I looked over at "Ayden" and knew he was a jerk. "Mom, when did you decide this?" I asked.

"We had decided this when you two were born, but decided to tell you when you two were 20."

"What?!" Ayden and I shouted.

"We should start planning," our mothers said.

"You can, I have to go back to college," I said, standing up and heading for the door.

"I talked to your college already. They are letting you finish your classes online. That way you can be here and help plan," my mother squealed in delight.

I turned around, shocked and angry. "You did what? I can't believe you! I was making friends and having fun on my own. Why did you choose now to rule my life?!" I yelled, pissed off beyond belief.

"Alexandria Isabelle Brooks!" my mother yelled. "You will not yell at me. You will marry Ayden and that's final!"

I glared at my mother, hating her for doing this to me.'  I get the flashback as I am sitting at my new dinning room table eating breakfast. I hear Ayden coming down the stairs, and I turn my head to look out of the window. The sky is a bright blue and there are no clouds in sight. I think about taking a walk to the park when I feel the chair beside me move.

"Morning, wife." Ayden says, sounding very disgusted by the word "wife".

"Morning," I pause a moment before I finally say, "husband." The word makes me want to cringe, but I hold back the urge.

"What are our plans today?" Ayden asks, trying to keep as much distance between us as he can.

"Our mothers would like to speak with us today. I don't know about what, however."


"As soon as you get dressed and finish breakfast," I answer, finally turning my head to look at him. I still want to walk to the park, but I know that my mother hates to wait too long.

"We are probably going to have to act as a couple," Ayden growls.

I think about how we have only kissed once, and even then we barely touched each other's lips. I remember how his lips brushed against mine slightly so it looked like we really kissed at our wedding. I then start to feel my lips tingle slightly, like they did when we had kissed on our wedding day. I feel heat rise to my cheeks, and I duck my head so Ayden can't see my blush.

"Why are you blushing?" Ayden asks, curiosity in his voice only.

"I was just thinking of something is all," I reply as I got up from my seat and put my empty plate in the sink. "I am going to get dressed into something more appropriate to talk to our parents in." I briskly tell him.

"Why? I think you look fine in that." Ayden responds.

"You know our parents prefer us to be more dressed up than this." I explain.

"Are you really going to change into another outfit just because of their standards?" Ayden scoffs.

I lower my head a little, realizing how ridiculous I was being. "So, you are saying I should just stay in these clothes, even though it's going to be World War III?"

"Yes, you are an adult and you get to decide how you are going to dress."

"I hope you are ready to ignore my mother for at least ten minutes."

"I shouldn't have a problem with that."

"Ayden, are we going to ask them if we can get a divorce?"

"Yes, I would like to be able to choose whom I want to marry again."

I nod and head upstairs to grab a pair of shoes. While I am grabbing the shoes, I think about how I have sort of grown used to Ayden's presence. I also wonder why I feel a little hurt that Ayden is still going to ask about getting a divorce. I shake my head slightly, needing to clear it. I slip on my shoes and walk downstairs to the front door. On the way there, I grab my purse and keys that are on the living room table.

We arrive at my parents' house sooner than I would have liked. I unbuckle and get out of the car, then head up to the front door. I use my key and walk in the house, Ayden beside me. I almost take his hand off of my waist, then I remember that we have to act like a couple.

"Ayden, Alexandria, we are in the dining room." I hear my mother's voice call to us.We go into the dining room, and my mother-in-law gasps.

"Ayden Alexander Knight, what are you wearing?" Mrs. Knight asks, appalled.

"Clothes." he answers simply, looking down at his jeans, converse, and casual, button up t-shirt.

"You knew that you should have dressed better than that!" she exclaimed, disappointment obvious in her voice.

I quickly turn her attention away from Ayden's attire. "You wanted to see us today?"

Mrs. Knight turns her attention to me. I want to squirm under her intense gaze, and I have feeling she is judging me. "Yes, we wanted to discuss the topic of grandchildren."

"Excuse me?" I manage to squeak out.

"Wait, before this is discussed, I wanted to ask something. When can we get a divorce?" Ayden questions. I feel another pang of hurt when I hear that, and again I don't know why.

"You can't. We made you two get married because we knew that you would be good together. Now about grandchildren, we would like some within a year, so you have three months to get pregnant. If the three months pass and it does not happen, we will disown you, take away the money we lent you, and still make Alexandria go to the doctor to get pregnant that way."

I stare at our parents in shock. "I'm sorry, I must have been mistaken. Did you just say I have to get pregnant with his child?" I choke out.

"Yes, or you will be taken to the doctor to have it done and disowned."

"That is a little harsh..." Ayden says.

"No, it is not. That is all we wanted to discuss with you. You can either stay or leave, it is your choice." My mother replies, turning back to her food.

I quickly turn around and leave the house. I get in our car as fast as I can, and wait impatiently for Ayden to get in the car.

As he gets in the car, he says, "Well, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. I really don't want to have a baby right now, but I also don't want to be disowned."

"Well, should we start the baby-making process as soon as we get home?"

I looked over at him to see if he was joking. He looked serious. "Ask me again when we are home," I reply as I drive us back to the house. As soon as I park, I unbuckle and get out. 

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