Chapter Ten

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We watch movies all day and night, pulling an all-nighter. I become a little irritable if I don't get enough sleep, but I promise myself I will sleep as soon as I get home. After our second movie marathon, I go home.

I am greeted by an empty house when I arrive. I feel saddened, but I remember that Ayden has work. I walk up the stairs slowly, unsure if I truly want sleep now that I am awake. Deciding the house could be cleaned, I walk back downstairs and start my task. I finish the kitchen and downstairs bathroom quickly. I then vacuum the kitchen and living room. After looking at the time and seeing that only took thirty minutes, I mop the kitchen as well. As soon as the kitchen is sparkling, a car pulls up in the driveway. I take the cleaning supplies I need and head up the stairs, not sure if I want to see Ayden. 

The front door opens and I hear two voices instead of one.

"This is my house, sorry for the-" Ayden starts to say, but stops after he actually looks around.

"Your new house is gorgeous!" A female voice squeals. I blink rapidly to keep the tears in check. I just continue to clean upstairs, trying everything I can to ignore what is going on downstairs. 

"Are you the one who cleaned downstairs? You did a lovely job." 

I jump, startled by the sudden noise. I look over my shoulder to see who is talking to me and see Cora standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "Thank you. When I finish I'll be leaving." I answer.

"Oh, you don't have to. You could join us if you would like." Cora offers.

"No, it's fine, really. I don't want to be in the way," I turn back to my cleaning. "I'll be out of your hair in ten minutes tops."

Cora silently walks out of the doorway and back downstairs. I finish my job quickly and walk downstairs to pick everything up. Once that is done, I go out the kitchen door to get to my car. I hop in and start it, then back out of my driveway to head to the park. At the park, I sit on the swings and think about what to do now. Unsure if I can face going home and seeing them together, I decide I should visit my parents. I pull into their driveway and turn off my car. I slam my ca door shut and knock on the front door. I have some clothes here still so I can stay for a few days and not have to worry about getting clothes. The front door finally opened and I walk into my old house.

"Hey, Mommy." I smile sheepishly.

"What are you doing here? Why are you here without Ayden? Alexandria, did you two get in a fight?" my mother starts bombarding me with questions.

"Mom, everything is fine. I just wanted to see you by myself and stay here a couple of days. No," I hold up my hand to silence my mother before she speaks, "this has nothing to do with him, I just missed you and Daddy a lot." I explain.

My mother still looks skeptical, but she agrees to let me stay with them for a few days. "Oh, you don't need to talk to Ayden about this. He knows where I am." I tell my mother before I kiss her cheek and head upstairs to my old bedroom.

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