Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next morning, I wake up curled against Ayden's side, his arms holding me on place. I glance at the clock and see that we are running late for the doctor appointment. I struggle to get up, needing to hurry. My movements wake Ayden up and his grip on me loosens.

"Did you have another nightmare?" my husband asks, sitting up and looking at me with concern.

"No, we are late. We really need to get dressed right now and get on the road, or we are going to miss my appointment." I hurriedly spit out, trying to push my large self off of the bed as quick as possible.Ayden comes around to my side of the bed and offers a hand. I glare at it- angry that I can't get my own self up without difficulty- before I take it. Ayden gently pulls me up and he helps we walk to the closet.

"Ayden, this is ridiculous! I am huge! I can barely get myself up from bed and I hate that." I growl, frustrated with everything at the moment.

"I know, Alexia, but just think in two more months we will be parents." Ayden says excitedly as he hands me some clothes.

I sigh and slip on the shirt. "I am just tired of being so big. I want to be able to wear my old clothes again."

Ayden kisses me and says, "If it helps, I love the way you look, always."

I scowl at him. "You have to say that. You're my husband." I manage to get on my pants and Ayden dresses. We head for the stairs and I cautiously go down them. We get in the car and Ayden drives us to my doctor's office. As we wait, Ayden rubs my back soothingly.

"Just relax, everything is going to be fine." he murmurs by my ear.

I nod and try to release the tension in my muscles, but I can't. I jump when my name is called and I hesitate to stand and head towards the nurse waiting for me.

I am lead towards a room and I lay in the table. The nurse says that the doctor will be in shorty. I nod in her direction and anxiously wait for the doctor.

Dr. Bell comes in the room a few moments later. She puts the cool jell on my stomach and waves the wand around, spreading the jell. She looks at the screen for a few minutes, then turns it off. The whole time, I could hear the baby's heart beating.

"Your baby is doing great. I will need to see you in a month. We will discuss how you want to deliver during that visit." Dr. Bell smiles as she hands me a rag for my stomach.

I nod and wipe the goo off of me. Once I'm done, I fix my shirt and go to stand up. Ayden watches me to make sure I can do it without assistance. When I'm standing, Ayden takes my hand and we leave. "Do you feel better?"

"Yes," I say, relieved, "I heard the heartbeat, I'm okay now."

Ayden gently pushes me against the car door. He kisses me gently and slowly. I melt against him, needing the kiss. After we break apart, I feel a kick. I gasp from surprise.

"You okay? What happened?" Ayden asks looking ready to jump into action at my command.

I giggle at him and take his hand, placing it on my stomach. "Nothing to freak out over. The baby just surprised me by kicking is all."

Ayden calms down in a second and kisses me again. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of someone very familiar. I break away from Ayden and go after the person. When I am a few feet away from them, I shout, "Haven!"

She turns around and looks shocked. She also looks like she got caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. "Hey," she sort of waves.

"What are you doing here?" I question her.

"I am... umm.... Here to see a doctor."

"You aren't... pregnant are you?" I question her, knowing she and Jake were going through a tough time right now.

"I'm here to find out. I took a test and it said positive, but I want the doctor to confirm it," she says in one breath.

"Haven, breathe. You are going to be okay. Want me to go with you as support?" I ask her.

Haven think about it then sees Ayden come up behind me. "No... I can do this by myself."

I look at Ayden and whisper, "Go home. I'll get Haven to drive me there after the appointment."

He nods, kisses my cheek, and leaves.

I turn back to Haven and loop my arm through hers. I don't say anything as we wait for her to be called back.

When she is, Haven looks like she is about to pass out. "Breathe." I remind her.

She does and shakily walks towards the same nurse who saw me earlier. We are lead to a room and told we will have to wait a couple of minutes.

Haven can't sit still and I watch as she paces up and down the length of the room. The door opens and Haven stops mid-pace. Dr. Bell asks, "Haven, you can sit down now."

Haven does.

"I'm going to draw some blood. It'll take ten minutes to get the results. Is that okay?"

Haven nods. She lets Dr. Bell draw the blood that she needs and as soon as the door closes behind the doctor, Haven paces again.

The doctor returns twenty minutes later. "Haven, you are not pregnant."

Haven looks so glad that she doesn't have a baby stirring up even more drama in her life. "Thank you."

Haven smiles as we get up to leave.

Haven drives me home after insisting that she was okay now and she really needs to talk Jake. I nod in understanding and walk inside.

"Ayden!" I call. I am exhausted, so I lay down on the couch, hands on my stomach.

When I don't hear a reply, I get curious, but don't bother moving from my comfortable spot.

I call to him again, and this time I get an answer. He starts coming down the stairs. I stand up, wanting to cuddle and watch movies today. I see him dressed for work when he comes fully downstairs.

"Hey, Honey, there is an emergency at work."

I nod and pick out a DVD. I put it in the player and kiss Ayden goodbye. Halfway through the movie, I remember my 21 birthday is tomorrow. I laugh at myself for almost forgetting my own birthday. I think about making going out to eat, then turn away from the idea. I decide I don't really want to do anything for my birthday but sleep in and have a day to relax. I realize I haven't heard the past thirty minutes of the movie, so I shut it off. I get up, find a new movie, and start to watch it, but I end up falling asleep on the couch.

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