Chapter Twenty-Six

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I try to tell Ayden that Cora loves him, but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to get in the way of their friendship, and if I tell him how she feels, he may just think I'm being jealous. I hear my phone ring and I reach over to grab it.

"Hello?" I answer, still giggling from something Ayden just said.

"Alexandria? It's Cora. I have my answer. I choose Ryan, but I think I already lost him." She speaks into the phone, sounding like she is crying.

"Is there anything I can do? Maybe-"

"No," she cuts me off, "I don't think there is anything anyone can do. He told me yesterday that he just needed a break and today, he wouldn't even look at me at work." She takes a deep, shaky breath. "I'm sorry I'm dumping all of this on you. I just wanted to tell you my answer, and it all just kind of came tumbling out."

"No, it's okay. Sometimes you need to talk about it. If you need me to, I can come over and we can't eat ice cream and watch movies."

"You would do that even after I almost stole your husband from you?" Cora asks, surprise evident in her voice.

"Of course. You chose the other person. I'm not mad at you at all. I'd like to help you if I can."

Ayden is growing more and more concerned. I wave my hand at Ayden and mouth that it is a girl thing. He nods and kisses my forehead before leaving the room so I can talk in private.

"Sure, you can come over. Being Haven too if you'd like."

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can."

I get up and walk over to where Ayden is. "Can you drive me to Cora's? And can we pick up Haven on the way?" I ask, giving him puppy dog eyes.

Ayden nods and we head for the car. We soon reach Cora's house. I get out and so does Haven. We walk in the front door.

Cora hugs us both, crying still. I hug her back and pat her back. We all separate and head for the kitchen to get the ice cream. Once we have it, we watch a movie. We start talking about her break up as soon as it starts.

"I'm sure you two will end up back together. You both love each other, all you need to do is tell him you love him." I say towards the end of the conversation.

"I will, when I find the right time." Cora sniffles. "Haven, how are you and Jake doing?"

"Oh, we are great now. He is so sweet, at times." Haven laughs and we join in.

"So, Alexandria, what's it like being married and pregnant?" Cora asks.

"Both have their ups and downs, but it's worth it. Especially when you can feel that there is life in you. Like right now," I giggle as the baby kicks.

Both put a hand on my stomach and the baby kicks at them. "That is amazing," Haven breathes.

"Yes, but not in the middle of the night when I have to make fifteen bathroom trips because the baby is sitting in my bladder."

They laugh and we eat more and talk about my pregnancy. As the sun starts to set, I hug Cora one last time and head outside, where Ayden is sitting in the car. Haven follows suit and we take her home before heading to our own.

As Ayden drives home, he reaches over and places his hand on my very round stomach. "How are you feeling?" He asks, rubbing my stomach.

"Tired and hungry for some watermelon." I sigh.

"Watermelon? That's it?"

"Well watermelon plus some stake. I have no idea why I want stake, it's usually gross to me."

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