Chapter Eleven

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I shut the door behind me and lay on my bed. I curl up in my sheets and close my eyes, wanting to go to sleep. When my eyes close, however, I see Ayden and Cora having a good time and kissing. I jerk upright in bed. 'I should just jump in the shower.' I gather my clothes from my closet and head to my old bathroom. I let the water hear up, then I undress and step into the tub. The water runs down my back and washes away all of the tension I have. I sigh and feel my body relax even more as the water keeps running over me. I eventually get out, but not before my hands are wrinkly and all of the hot water has been used. I wrap a towel around my body, wring out my hair and then start to truly dry off. I step into my clothes quickly, the chilly air nipping at me. I hang my towel on the shower curtain and I step out of the bathroom. I smell dinner cooking downstairs and I realize just how much I miss my mother's cooking. "Smells delicious, Momma," I tell her as I walk into the big, bright kitchen. 

Memories flood my brain as I sit on the counter as I had done many years before. I get so caught up in the memories of my childhood that I don't hear my mother chiding me once more about sitting on the counter. "-it's very unladylike!" I catch the end of her rant.

"Momma," I giggle, "who cares if I am ladylike or not right now? I am just around family, not the mayor or anything." I lean forward and kiss her cheek. "Don't worry, I can behave like a lady when I need to. I just don't see the reason for it right now."

My mother tries to keep her face stern, but a smile breaks through her facade. "You always knew how to talk your way out of trouble," my mother laughs.

"I don't know what you mean," I feign innocence. 

My mother goes back to her cooking as I hop of the counter and set the table. We eat dinner together as a family again. As I am washing the dishes, my phone rings. Drying my hands, I pick up my phone and answer it, not bothering to look at the caller ID. 

"Hello?" I ask cheerily.

"Where are you? You haven't come back home." My breath catches in my throat when I hear his voice. "O-oh, Ayden. I wasn't expecting you to call. Remember I told you I'd be back in a few days, silly." I giggle to keep up my act.

"What?! A few days?! You never said that! You never talked to me! Why aren't you talking to me? After the business party- which you wanted to go to- you have been silent around me except to yell at me." Ayden rants in my ear as I keep smiling and pretending to giggle.

"Do you mind if I go to my room?" I whisper to my mother. When she says I can, I walk calmly out of their sight until I reach the hallway to my bedroom. "Ayden, that is not true. Besides, I have not been silent around you! I am no different than when we were before we had to have a child. I don't know why you think I am." I whisper yell. "I have to go. I'll be home in a few days. I am still unsure if I'll stay or go see Haven again. It's been really good to see her."

I hear Ayden give an impatient sigh on the other side of the phone. "Fine. Bye." 

I didn't get to answer before he hung up. The next few days I didn't worry if I was pregnant or what I was going to do about my love for Ayden. I relaxed and enjoyed time with my family. When I went home, I grabbed clean clothes and left for Haven's house. I pull into Haven's driveway and shut off my car. I get out and slam the door before I walk to the door to knock

."Haven," I knock, "open the door, please." I wait for a second or two before the door is opened and Haven yanks me inside.

"I've been dying for another movie night!" Haven yells, bouncing around.

"Good, because I could use one. Can I crash here until I find out if I'm pregnant or not?"

"Of course! We still need to catch up some more!"

I giggle at her enthusiasm and once again help her set up for our movie night.

The next week and a half passes by, and I haven't talked to Ayden in just as long. I'd ignore his calls and if he showed up, I'd make sure not to see him. It tore me up inside, but I could only focus on one problem at a time. The last five days or so, I started to throw up. It is at random times of the day as well, and I fear I know why I am doing this. I hadn't had my "monthly gift" yet and I am usually never late. I tell Haven I'll be right back and I jump in my car to go to the store.

I buy eight pregnancy tests and hope that I am wrong about this. I pay for them and drive back to Haven's house. I quickly go to the bathroom and take all eight tests. I wait for the timer to go off- the whole time practically holding my breath. When the timer beeps, I jump and look over at the tests on the bathroom counter. Six of the eight say positive. "Haven! Can you come here for a moment!" I shout, hoping I am reading the tests wrong.Haven runs to the bathroom and sees the tests on the counter. 

"You really think-"

"Just look at them please. I think I misread them."

Haven looks at the results and says, "Six of them are positive."

I close my eyes and release the breath I hadn't realize I'd been holding. "I'm going to make a doctor's appointment and see if I truly am or not." I throw away all the tests and leave the bathroom, feeling nauseous.

I call the doctor and make an appointment for tomorrow. I lay around all day, thoughts clouding my mind. Haven brings me food and she tries to comfort me, but she leaves me alone when she sees it's not helping.

Tomorrow comes sooner than I'd like. I go to the doctor and have it confirmed that I am pregnant. I thank the doctor too stunned at that moment to burst into tears. However, when I tell Haven what the doctor said, the tears make an appearance- and a noisy one at that. 

"Should I tell him?" I sob into Haven's shoulder.

"Alexandria, he should know, but you don't have to tell him. I have an idea. How about once you calm down, you take a walk to the park and think about if you want to tell Ayden or not." Haven suggested.

I nod as my sobs start to calm down. Once I am completely calmed down, I take the walk. One the walk, I pass by a cafe and I happen to glance in the window. What I see makes up my mind. Ayden and Cora are sitting across from each other, but they get up and she kisses his cheek before leaving. I must have been staring, because Ayden then turns to look out the window. I duck my head and try to turn around. I don't get very far before I hear my name being called out.

"Alexandria! Alexandria!" I start to run, but I hear Ayden pick up his pace as well. A hand clamps around my wrist and I am roughly turned around before squished to a hard chest. "You have had me worried sick! Why won't you answer my calls?" Ayden asks once he finally pulls away. 

"I was sort of freaking out on the inside. I still sort of am. I promise I'll return home, I just need time."

"Time? Why? What's going on?" Ayden asks concerned.

"Ayden, you and Cora are probably perfect for each other; I just need to get used to that. I will, but it'll take a little time and-"

"Wow! Wait, you think Cora and I are together? No, she's my best friend and she's been dying to meet you. I thought Jake and Ryan told you that at the party."

I close my eyes and blush in embarrassment and frustration. "No, I didn't let them. She was just hanging around you so much I figured you were in a relationship."

"No, she is trying to help me understand our relationship." Ayden explains, a smile I his lips.

"Well our relationship just got a lot more complicated." I grumble."And why is that? It was difficult enough as it is."

"I just went to the doctor today... I'm pregnant." I mumble, feeling like he should know if he really wants to stay in this relationship.

"You are what? I didn't hear you." Ayden says, lifting my chin. 

"I'm pregnant."

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