Chapter Thirteen

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We arrive at Haven's, and I collect my things.

"I see you have resolved your issues." Haven smiles.

"Yeah, turns out the girl was just his best friend. I am only getting my stuff now because I promised Ayden he could do any he wanted to me when we got back." I explain.

"I bet you are gonna have some awesome sex tonight." Haven teases. "Oh, right, like he is going to want to have sex with me. I'm pregnant, isn't that a turn off?"

"I'm sure he won't mind at all and he has urges that he needs satisfied." Haven smirked.

"Mhm, we will see who is right by tomorrow." I challenge.

"You know I will be!" Haven calls as I walk out her door with my stuff in my hands.

I walk back to the car, shaking my head along the way. I dump my things on the backseat and then walk to my car and sit in the driver's seat. Once I'm buckled we set out for our house. I wonder what he will do when we get back the entire ride. I am nervous and excited as we make the quick drive back, but when we pull into our driveway, I'm more nervous.

"Now that we are home," Ayden says as he unlocks the front door, "I would like to take you out on a date."

"Really? Where are we going to go?" I ask, excitement and curiosity leaking into my voice.

"It's a surprise, but don't worry. You can dress casually and you don't have to wear makeup if you don't want to."

"How can you want to be seen with me when I have no makeup on?" I question, repulsed by the thought of going on a date without makeup.

"Simple, you are gorgeous with and without makeup." Ayden replies as he looks in my gray eyes.

I can't help but to melt at the comment. "You honestly think that?"

"Of course."

I instinctively kiss him before I dash upstairs and get dressed into someone more appropriate than my raggedy shorts and t-shirt. Once I applied my makeup, I walked down the stairs and into the living room, where Ayden was patiently waiting."I'm ready," I announce.

Ayden stands and looks me up and down. "You look lovely." He compliments as he gently guides me to the door.We get in his car and we drive a short distance to the park I love. The car stops and Ayden turns off the engine. I look over at him curiously but get out of the car. Ayden didn't come around to my side straight away, making me even more confused. When he did come to my side, everything became clear. We were going to have a picnic in my favorite park. I silently walk beside Ayden, my arms around his waist, as he led me to a spot under a tree. Ayden set out the blanket and the food for us. I couldn't stop smiling.

"This is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me," I tell Ayden as we start eating.

"Anything for you, Alexandria." Ayden and I take turns feeding each other, then we joke around. Everything was perfect until I had to run to the nearest trash can.

"I'm sorry," I say to Ayden as he holds my hair. "The date was going perfect too."

"There's no reason to be sorry. You can't help that you are pregnant," Ayden replies, handing me water to get rid of the awful taste in my mouth.

After I rinse my mouth out, I hug Ayden and we pack up the food and blanket. We walk back to his car hand in hand. "What would you like to do now?" I lean my head against Ayden's arm.

"Whatever you want to do."

"I wouldn't mind watching movies with you."

"Movies it is." Ayden declares, hugging me tighter to his side.

That night we did a little more than watch movies. When we got home, we did our bedtime routines then we went into the living room to watch movies. Halfway through the first one, Ayden starts to whisper in my ear that he has a better idea. He bites my ear and starts to run his hands along my thighs. His lisp travel along my neck to my collar bone, nipping my skin along the way. I try to ignore him and watch the movie, but he doesn't quit. I can't concentrate on the movie any longer and Ayden gets his wish. Looks like Haven was right after all.

The next two weeks were perfect. Ayden and I had a lot of fun going on dates after he got home for work and I was home from school. We both just enjoyed each others company. As I cook breakfast for Ayden, I remember I have to go to the doctor for my one month check-up. I flip the pancakes and soon hear Ayden coming down the stairs.

"Morning, Alexia." Ayden kisses my cheek before fixing his tie.

I turn to him as the pancakes continue to cook. "Morning, Ayden."

"Do you have any plans today besides school?"

"Actually I'll have to miss today's class. I have a doctor's appointment." Ayden starts to look concerned, so I hurriedly add, "It's just a check up."

"Oh, well I could call in sick if you want and come with you." I bit my lip, thinking about it. "That'd be nice, but you don't have to come. If you need to work today, I'll be okay going by myself."

"Don't worry, I can miss today, besides I want to go with you."I smile, "Okay, we have to leave in about an hour."

Ayden kisses me before he calls in sick. When an hour passes, we head to the doctor's office. We get there within thirty minutes. I get out and go to sign myself in while Ayden takes a seat.

We wait for a while before the doctor calls me back. During the check up, the doctor did an ultrasound. She said everything looked fine and to come back within a few weeks to get another check up.

We spend the rest of the day together and that night we snuggle in bed, ecstatic that our baby is healthy and doing great. I am suddenly woken up in the middle of the night. I feel I am not queasy, so I wonder what woke me up. Then I hear a weird noise coming from downstairs. I get out of bed to investigate, not bothering to wake Ayden. I slowly creep down the stairs and I see shadows moving around in the living room. I stay on the last step and cry, "Hey!" as I realize the shadows are people.

One of the shadows runs up to me and punches me in the eye so hard, I lose my balance, spin, and fall on the steps. One of the stairs jabs into my stomach when I land. The robbers get away, but that's the last thing on my mind when I feel warm liquid running down my thighs. I look at my pajama pants and see a dark stain spreading on them. 

"Ayden! Ayden!" I yell, terrified.I hear him stir in bed and hurry out of the room towards me. I am so scared that if I move I'll make the situation worse.

"Alexandria? What happened?" Ayden asks when he sees me.

"Never mind that now, I'll tell you on the way to the hospital!"

Ayden sees the fear in my eyes and he looks at my body to see the growing stain. He immediately picks me up and runs to his car. He puts me in the passenger seat. Ayden jumps in the driver's seat and guns it to the hospital. When he arrive, he shoots out of his seat and he carries me out of mine. "Help! She needs help! She's pregnant." Ayden yells when we enter the emergency room. Nurses bring a gurney out and Ayden lays me on it. They rush me to the back. Ayden is stopped to sign admittance papers. I am immediately seen my a doctor and an ultrasound is done.

Ayden bursts through the door before the doctor can tell me if I have lost my baby or not.

"I'm sorry, but you miscarried. I don't hear a heartbeat." The doctor informs us.

I burst into tears upon hearing those words. 'My child is gone because I was stupid enough to investigate the noise.' My eye hurt and I knew soon my eye will be puffy and bruised. "We can get some ice for your black eye." The doctor says just before he steps out of the room. He had already asked me if my husband had caused the black eye and I quickly told him the story.

I feel arms wrap around my body as I sob and shake. I cry until I have no more tears and I curl into a ball in our bed when we arrive home. Ayden lets me have my space but he also gently rubs my back to comfort me.

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