Chapter Five

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After class, I debate on whether or not to drive home, but then I remember I need to get ready for our date. I drive home slowly, delaying as much as possible. Once I pull into the driveway, however, I know that I must face Ayden.

I open the door and see Ayden sitting on the couch. From the sounds coming from the T.V., I assume he is watching some sport event. I plan on walking past him and not disrupting the game, but I didn't accomplish that.

"So how was class?" He asks calmly, smiling a little bit.

"Fine. Don't you have to go to work?"

"No, I have a week off, except for emergencies."

"Okay, well I am going to start getting ready for the date." I start to go up the stairs before he can answer.

When I reach our bedroom, I quickly undress and head to the bathroom to start the shower. Once the water is deliciously warm enough, I step in and stand under the shower head for a few minutes.

As I am in the shower, I hear the bedroom door open. I ignore the noise and continue with the shower. After I am done, I turn off the water and step out of the tub and wrap myself up in a towel. I step into the freezing cold bedroom to be met by a pair of lips on mine.

Once we brake apart, I look into Ayden's eyes, and whisper, "Hello, I didn't quite expect that."

"You are very interesting and irresistible, Alexia."

"You do know my name is Alexandria, right?" I ask, pretending to hate my nickname.

He smirks, "Yes, but I think Alexia is a nice nickname."

I simply turn away and walk deeper in the room. I pick out my clothes for the date and get dressed. I know that Ayden is watching me, and what happened last night replays in my head. I shake my head slightly and leave the room.

"So where are we going?" I ask, my eyebrow raised.

I jump when I fell Ayden's hand on my back. "It is a surprise." I can hear the excitement in his voice.

"Okay, but if this date sucks, you aren't getting any sex from me in two weeks." I growl.

"Trust me, you will enjoy this date. I promise."

We arrive at the beach. Confused, I step out if the car and see Ayden walk to the trunk and pull out a basket.

"Surprise!" Ayden laughs, reaching for my hand. I can't help but smile as he guides me to a quieter part of the beach.

As Ayden begins setting up the picnic, I ask, "Is this our date? I think it is perfect."

"Good," Ayden smiles, then he kisses me quickly. "I have been thinking, and I realize that I don't want us to have a miserable life together. We should make it as wonderful as possible, even if we don't love each other."

I pretend that his last words didn't hurt me. I sit across from him on the blanket and take a bite out of the sandwich provided. After I swallow, I answer, "I think you are completely right. We shouldn't be miserable the rest of our lives, but I don't want kids so soon. I really wish our mothers would give us a break. We have been married for two months and they already want grandchildren!"Ayden nods his head and keeps eating. I sigh quietly and look around at all the couples in love. 'He is only doing this to make sure he has money and isn't disowned. He doesn't truly care about me, he wants an heir is all.' I remind myself so that I can keep myself from falling in love with him.

"Alexia, did you hear me?"

"Hmm?" I question, lifting my head up from looking at my half-eaten sandwich. Ayden sighed and repeated, "I have a work party Friday, would you like to join me?"

"Sure, sounds like fun." I smile, pushing away my bad thoughts.

Ayden grins and continues to eat. The picnic goes on smoothly and I find myself falling a little more in love with him.

We go home soon after walking along the water's edge together. When we get home, Ayden kisses my cheek as he puts the picnic basket on the kitchen counter. I walk up the stairs and change into my pajamas. Ayden comes up the stairs and into our room soon after me. He gets dressed then slips into bed beside me and holds me close to him. 

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