Chapter Three

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The warm breeze blows my hair in every direction and makes the few leaves on the sidewalk skid across the top, making a slight scrapping noise. I lay in the grass, the blades tickling my skin at first, making give a little giggle out loud. I lay out in the sun for a while and eventually doze off.

When I awake, I wander back to the house. I open the back door and walk into the spacious kitchen. The first thing I see is Ayden with his head in his hands at the kitchen table. As soon as the door shuts, he hops to his feet and whirls around.

"Where have you been?!" Auden yells, a look of relief passing through his eyes quickly.

"At the park, why?"

"I was worried about you! You could have at least told me you were leaving!"

"You were worried about me?" I repeat in utter amazement.

"Of course, you are my wife, and I still need an heir."

'Oh, that's why he was worried...'

Without speaking, I turn and leave the kitchen, going towards our room.

"Where are you going?!"

"Somewhere in the house. Don't worry, you'll eventually get that heir you want, just not today."

I hear him coming for me. I am slightly worried, so I try to get to the stairs faster. I don't make it. I am roughly pushed into the wall, his body pressing into mine, trapping me. His lips are dangerously close to mine, and I have an urge to close the gap between us. I push myself farther in the wall, needing to put more distance between us.

"Alexandria, you must tell me when you leave this house. I wouldn't have known where to look for you if I really needed you."

I can hardly concentrate on his words because my thoughts are centered on the feel of his lips on mine. I manage to pick up some of what he is saying. "Why would you really need me?" I ask, try my hardest to focus on the conversation.

"For this." He then gives me a very passionate kiss, and I am glad he is pressing me to the wall, otherwise I would have fallen.

I can't help that my reaction is to kiss back. Soon, he stops kissing my lips and he runs his lips down to my neck. I hold in my moans of pleasure, not wanting to give him any satisfaction. I don't want him to think I want this to go any further, so I push at his chest. He doesn't move away, so I push harder, starting to worry a little.

He slowly lifts his head, his breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine. "Alexia, we have to try to conceive soon. We don't have a very large time limit." his husky voice drawls out.

Of course his voice makes me want him even more. I am scared, however, because this is my first time and I don't want to be embarrassed. "I-I know, I just... It's my first time." I whisper, barely able to hear myself.

"It is?" Ayden asks, shock clear in his voice.


Ayden is silent, and my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I turn my head away from him, wishing I can escape his emerald green eyes. I try to duck under his arm and leave, but he moves it so I am really trapped. He looks at me again, amazement, and something else in his eyes.

"I can wait a little longer until you are more comfortable, but not too long." He kisses me one last time, then walks away. I stare in shock, then after a minute or two, I walk up the stairs into our room. 'Will he really wait? Will I ever be ready? I don't want children this soon, besides, I barely know him!'

I pace around the room, thinking of what Ayden said. I finally reason that the best way to get this over with was to either get enough courage and do it tonight, or get drunk at a party and hope that I have sex with the right man. I know the first option is the best, so I think about what I am going to wear to bed and take the rest of the day preparing for tonight.

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