Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Nothing changed in a month. My stomach continues to grow, Cora relationship is gone, and Haven and Jake are doing great. They are even talking about a future together.

I get Ayden to drop me off at class before he goes to work. I have been getting a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but not many. Ayden texts every five minutes to check up on me, just in case more come.

I get to my classroom, late as always, and find my seat. I take notes as the professor drones on, trying to keep my as still as possible in my uncomfortable seat. About halfway through the lecture, I yelp in surprise as a contraction hits. I place a hand on the side of my stomach, and try to breathe through it. Everyone turns to look at me when I yelp. I do my best to ignore them and when the contraction is over, I manage to command, "Carry on. There is nothing to stare at here."

"Are you sure Mrs. Knight?" my professor says.

"Yes, it was just a Braxton Hicks contraction." I answers steadily.

"Alright." He says, continuing the lecture.

Twenty minutes later, almost towards the end of the lecture, another contraction hits. I yell and jump with this one.

"Mrs. Knight, it might be best for you to get a ride home. Maybe you should lie down for today." my professor replies to my interruption.

"That sounds like a good idea," I respond breathlessly.

Once the contraction is over, I head out of the classroom and take out my cell phone.

Ayden sends a text right as I am about to call him. 'How is everything going in class?''Oh, need to ditch class, contractions showed up during lecture.' I text back.

A few seconds later, I get a call. "What do you mean contractions showed up? Do you need me to take you to the hospital or home?" Ayden immediately starts when I pick up.

"Home, but tell your company that you will have to take off today, just in case."

"Alright. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you, or what?"

"That's sweet," I smile, "but I'm going to call Dr. Bell and tell her why is going on. I want her opinion on things."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too. This is probably a false alarm."

"I kind or hope it is, but also hope it isn't." I hear right before he hangs up.

A second later I double over in pain and bit my lip to keep in the scream. Once I am able to stand all the way back up, I call Dr. Bell.

"Hello?" she answers.

"Hey," I pant, "I'm having contractions every twenty minutes. They only last for about a minute. What would you like me to do?"

"Okay, you should go home if you are not there. Wait until the contractions get to be about ten minutes apart. Come to the hospital then. If they stop, that's fine. If they don't, you are going to have this baby today."

"But I'm only eight months pregnant." I remind her, worried.

"That's okay. Some women deliver a month before. The babies are fine to deliver then. You have nothing to worry about. Just remember what I said."

"Okay," I nod. I hang up the phone and start to pace a little. I stop when I remember that progresses labour.

'Auden hurry up!' I think as I stand in front of the school. I see his car pull up beside me ten seconds later.

"How are you doing?" He asks, worry etched on his face. I kiss him when I am buckled in my seat.

"I'm doing fine. I'll tell you what the doctor said when we get home."

"Why not now?"

"Because you just need to relax." I smile. He places his hand on my stomach as we go home.

I had to bend over and clutch onto the side of the door to keep from screaming in pain when the third contraction hit.

"What do I need to do?" Ayden asks, panicking a little.

"Don't speed... keep going home." I grit through my teeth.

He does what I say and the contraction is over soon. We pull into our drive way, and Auden jumps out, comes to my side, and carries me into the house. I giggle when he has trouble with the door.

"I'm fine, really."

"What did the doctor say?"

I sigh before I begin to tell him, "She said that I should just rest for a while and if the contractions go away, that's great. But if the progress and become ten minutes apart instead of twenty, I should go to the hospital because I am in labour."

Ayden nods along until the last little bit. "Labour?" he asks, looking stunned.

"Hey, Ayden. I really need you to be able to drive... We already have everything ready, including my hospital bag. It's going to be okay. If you need my parents to drive, we can ask them." I say soothingly, knowing he is really shocked.

He takes a deep breath. "I can drive."

My contractions became ten minutes apart an hour later. I have Ayden get my hospital bag so that he can process what exactly is happening. When he returns by my side, he helps me to the car and we hurry to the hospital.

When we get there, Ayden tells the ER nurse that I am in labour and that Dr. Bell should be here. The nurse nods and tells the others the same information. I am wheeled back to a labour and delivery room and they start to hook me up to apt of monitors. Dr. Bell soon arrives.

"Alexandria, I'm going to see how dials red you are, okay?"

I nod, nervous about actually being in labour.

"You are five centimeters dilated. You're water should break any minute now." Dr. Bell says as she takes off her gloves. She leaves the room and comes back a few hours later to check me again. My water has already broken by this point.

"You are ready to have this baby." Dr. Bell smiles. They get me set up and I feel Ayden right by my side.

"When I say three, take a deep breath and push." Dr. Bell commands.

I do what I am told when she says three. I hear Ayden mumble encouragements in my ear the whole time. After six pushes, I hear my baby wailing. I flop back again the pillows, exhausted.

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