「23rd period」: reward time

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犬飼 彩葉
student no. 29

season 2 episode 6

The exams were a disaster.

Well, I managed to retain my place in the top, but taking the test itself was absolute hell. If I wasn't tutored by Karma during the last two days before the exam, I might as well have failed.

After recovering from my cold, I managed to help out during the last few days at the daycare. But that only meant that I had to bear with cramming sessions after school. In fact, there came a point wherein Karma wouldn't allow me to eat nor sleep as long as all the questions he made weren't answered. I almost didn't make it because of his spartan ways.

Today was the day when Korosensei handed over our papers before dismissing us.

"Iroha-chan?" Okuda called me, while I was stuck in a trance, staring at my paper. "Is it that bad?".

I was actually quite glad about my results. The tutoring paid off. Even if taking the exams were hell, I actually achieved it. And now that Karma's tutoring days were over, I was able to walk home with Okuda like I usually did.

"It's alright, but knowing Korosensei, he probably wanted me to aim higher" I told her, referring to my results.

"Eh, but you still managed to keep your spot, right. That means, sensei would still keep his promise, right?" She smiled at me, as I recalled that prize the octopus promised.

"Iroha-chan~" Karma greeted me when we reached the premises of the main building. At one point, my eyes met Asano's, who was just behind Karma.

"You guys were talking with Asano and his minions?" I asked them.

"Ah, they were just making fun of us" Sugino answered for him.

"It happens usually though" Okajima sighed.

"But, Karma-kun defended us so it's alright" Nagisa smiled weakly.

"I just spoke of the truth~" the redhead told us nonchalantly.

I turned to Karma, who reached his hand out, asking for my my papers. I traded for his scores as I gave him mine, and I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at his.

God, is he frustrating.

The guy just smirked at our exchange, handing my papers back.

"Show off" I scoffed, knowing that he placed 2nd.

"Heh~ It's not showing off if you found out yourself" he said.

"Whatever, besides, it was too predictable for someone who tutors another" I waved him off.

"You, on the other hand, should've gotten a higher after all the effort I placed into teaching you" he complained and I just rolled my eyes, before I handed his papers back.

"It's the teacher's fault for not teaching his student properly" I teased him, sticking my tongue out.

"Well, it's the student's fault for not recalling everything the teacher taught her" he shot back.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now