Chapter 17:

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"Hello?" She repeated.

"Hi." I whispered.

I could imagine what she looked like. She was probably surprised, biting the inside of her bottom lip and her eyebrows were probably furrowed.

"Who is this?" She croaked.

"Tony." I replied hesitantly.

She was quiet and so was I.

"Before you hang up on me, I just wanna-"

"I missed your voice." She interrupted.


Of course Tony was the one to call me. To be honest, a call from him was really needed.

"Are you mad?" He asked.

"No. Kind of. I'm just... Confused." I whispered.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"We are."

"No, I mean in real life. Where are you?"

"I'm at the cafe." I replied.

"Do you want me to meet you there?" He asked softly.

"No. I'm heading home anyway. I'll just meet you on my front porch or something."


And with that, I hung up, ending the call.

Talking to him was something I need to do. We needed to get this stupid situation over with because I really couldn't deal with another depressing night of 'who will call first' or 'do I really care?'

After receiving my cookie, I left the amount on the table and left the shop.

It had begun to rain in the span of time that I was in the cafe. The raindrops weren't falling quickly, but they were falling.

I put the hood of my hoodie up and began walking to my house.

After trekking through the rain, I finally arrived at my house. I sat down on the bench on our porch. My parents would be concerned if I came in at 11, wet and cold, from a place that they didn't even know I was going to.

I was more excited about talking to Tony than I thought I'd be.

I sat on the bench, nearly shivering considering my attire.

Tonys car suddenly appeared through the rain. He parked in his usual parking spot and got out of the car.

I resisted the urge to run over to him and hug him.

Instead, I sat on the bench and stared at the ground as the raindrops hit the puddles.

"So..." Tony said as he walked onto the porch.

"I want to know what happened. What were you not telling me?" I spat.

He sat on the bench, but on the opposite side to me.

He looked as he with sorrow filled eyes, "I want to know what Evan told you."

"He said that you're cheating on me. Is that true?" I sighed.

"No. I would never." He said quietly.

His voice was filled with anger, but he somehow still sounded calm.

"You didn't believe him, did you?" He sighed.

"I didn't know what else to believe."

"You know I'd never do that. You do know that, right?" He asked.

"You know, Tony. If you are tired of me, you can just... Leave."


"Never?" I slightly giggled.


I nodded, a small smile creeping onto the corner of my mouth.

"If either of us were to get tired of one another, it'd be you to me. Let's face it." He joked.

Although the previous situation caused me heart ache, I felt more relieved and happy with the conversation.

"I'm sorry I didn't reply." I coughed, "you know, to your text."

"It's okay. If you did, do you think we'd be talking right now?"

"We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me. I'm sorry for being stupid and untrusting and a bad girlfriend." I sighed.

"Don't." He said inching closer to me. "Look at me. Don't you ever bring yourself down, okay? I don't want you to ever say that about yourself."

I looked at the ground as he spoke.

"I don't want to ever hear you say that. Never." He said sternly.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as he continued talking.

"Don't bring yourself down. I don't like seeing you like this. I love seeing happy Brooke."

"I want to know what you were keeping from me." I said, changing the subject.

"It's about Callie and Evan." He admitted.

"What about them?"

"He's cheating on her. He has another girl in the place that he's moving to. He said that Callie was great, and the new girl is great too... So he decided to date both." He said quietly, "I promised him that I wouldn't tell anyone... But I don't want to risk losing you."

"Why would he even?" I groaned. "See? I'm so stupid. I believed Evan, and not you."

"Stop." He sighed.

"You don't understand what it feels like to constantly be faced with stupid situations that you caused. I can't just get up and start over because it's not that easy. I feel so stupid sometimes and it really hurts." I sobbed, "and ever since I met you I've never fallen into the hole that I dug a few years ago. After our argument and everything, I found myself slowly digging myself back into the hole. I can't get out."

He looked me in the eyes. His eyes looked so full of sorrow and sadness.

"You're the reason why I hadn't been in the hole, Tony. You make me so happy, and you lift me up. You make me feel so special." I wiped my face with my sleeve, "I can't imagine ever losing you. I can't think about what would happen to me, Tony. You're my rock."

He pulled me close to him, hugging me tight.

His shirt was damp, but it smelled like his cologne. Although the weather was cold, his hug made me feel warm and safe.

I placed my head on his chest, letting him hug me even tighter.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." I whispered.


Having Brooke close to me made me realize how irrelevant everything else was at the moment.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." She whispered.

I hugged her tighter.

I can't believe the nerve of Evan. Why would he tell her that I'm cheating on Brooke? What was he even trying to get at? He's a total idiot if he thinks that I won't come after him again.

Brooke lifted her head from my chest, and looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy.

"I think we should go inside." She sniffled.

I nodded my head, letting her go out of my hug. She stood up and unlocked the door with her key.

"Come on." She whispered, her lip quivering.

I followed behind her, closing the door quietly behind me.

"You want to stay the night?" She sniffled.

"I guess. But do you think your parents will be okay with it?" I asked.

"We can sleep in separate rooms. Or I can sleep on the bed and you can sleep on the ground. Whichever works." She whispered as she made her way up the stairs.

I nodded my head.


"I know my dad has some clothes that don't fit him, so you can wear those." I stated.

I grabbed a black v neck shirt, and my dad's pj pants.

"Here." I handed them to him.

"Are you sure your parents are fine with me sleeping here?"

"They kind of owe it to me." I whispered quietly. So quietly that I could barely hear what I even said.


We sat in my room watching movies and eating microwave popcorn.

Eventually, we both got tired.

Tony made his bed across the room from my bed, making us far away.

"Tony?" I whispered.

"Yes?" He replied, his voice raspy due to his sleepy state.

"Thank you." I smiled.

The room was pitch black. He definitely didn't see my toothy grin.

It was weird to think that just a few hours ago, Tony and I weren't on speaking terms. But as of this moment, I feel so happy to be with him.

"For what?"


He chuckled.

"I'm sorry." I continued.

"Don't worry about it."

"I should've believed you. I should've trusted you..." I said as I closed my eyes.

"It's okay."

"You sound really sleepy. I'm sorry. You need sleep." I whispered. "Good nigh-"

Before I could finished my sentence, Tony stopped me with a kiss.

"How did you walk here do fast?" I giggled.

"Just go to bed." He whispered as he made his way back to his blanket-ground bed.

Finally an update! Please don't forget to vote! Thanks for reading! (((:

I still need to see if I will be able to update after this! School is a struggle! A chapter will hopefully be up on Sunday!

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