Chapter 30:

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I called my mom back into the room, and looked at her confused, then looked at the bear and card on my desk.

A small smile appeared on her lips, but it seemed so fake. It seemed almost sympathetic, or even disappointed.

I stared at her blankly as let out a sigh, then plastered the same fake smile on her face.

"Well?" I asked.

"It was from the boy next door. You know, the one that was here last night? He dropped it off and urged that I give it to you," she said.

"Okay..." I whispered, "Why are you all sighing and fake smiling?"

"Does he know you and Tony are dating?" She asked firmly.

"I don't know.. Probably. I mean, Tori and I were talking about it yesterday and he walked in.. So I assume he does." I explained.

"I really, really like Tony," she sighed, "I really like him."

"Yeah, I do too. What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that I don't want that boy next door to get in between you two."

"Mom, you know me better than that. You know that I would never..."

"I know, but I'm just saying. Boys can do things and get into your brain..." She coughed, "I just want to make sure, okay? Just make it clear to him that you have a boy friend and you're not interested."

"Mom!" I exclaimed, "Why does it even matter?"

She sighed then walked out of my room without answering me back.

I let out a groan, then limped my way to my desk and examined the card and bear. The bear was white, with a pink bow tie and a black nose. It was soft and fluffy, and I could almost compare it to a fluffy, bear shaped marshmallow. I smiled at the thought.

The card on the other hand was hand written and covered in smiley faces and cookies. Inside, Nick wrote,

I hope you get well :)

The entire thought of the gift made my day. The fact that he thought about me, and decided to buy me something touched my heart.


I ended up sitting in my room for most of the day on my laptop, snacking on the cookies and fruits that my mom brought in. Surprisingly, she didn't hold a grudge like she usually did. She just smiled, gave me the food, and left. I guess it was a good thing for me, but not a very good for her.

Tori dropped by a few times with movies and food, but I declined the offer. She wouldn't stop apologizing and crying over the party, and the way I was in. But, I just laughed it off and played it off as if it didn't affect me. Why would I wanna lose my first friend that I made here? I'd be back to the loner girl with no friends.

Just as I was about to take a nap, there was a knock on my bed room door.


"C'mon dude, just do it!" Evan urged.

I had no idea why I was here, or why I was even in the presence of Evan, but somehow, I was convinced to come when he texted me.

Although he told Callie that he was moving, I got the hint that he probably wasn't going to. He was still here. His house wasn't packed up, and his parents kept on buying more and more new furnature. Well, it was more furniture that they had the last time I visited.

"I don't even know why I'm here," I whispered.

"Because you missed ol' Evan, right?" He laughed.

"Not really," I groaned.

"Don't be a dick." He rolled his eyes, "and stop changing the subject."

"I don't want to, man. I'm not gonna get wasted." I said firmly.

"It's just one! Last time I checked, you weren't a lightweight!"

He was beyond wasted at this point. He seemed as if he was a cheery person. He didn't even care about what he said, or what he was doing. I guess it didn't matter either, because he wouldn't be able to remember it in the morning.

"I'm gonna leave," I said as I stood up. "I don't even know why I came here."

"Your loss, bud." He said as he sank what seemed to be his 4th can of beer.

I quickly made my way out the door, and to my car. I smelled like alcohol mixed with some insense that his mom burned. It wasn't a good smell.

I let out a cough at my own smell before starting my car.

I car back, rubbing my temples, and rubbing my eyes. It was almost 8:00pm. The sky was dark, but the stars and moon were out. I let out a sighed and rested my head on the steering wheel.

What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't visit Brooke? ANd the thing was, it would be hard due to the fact that she was 2 hours away.

I drove my car quickly to Target, grabbing chips and some Arizona iced teas.

Before I could even comprehend, I was on the road to Brookes house.

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