Chapter 26:

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It had been almost a week since I left my house to live in the new one. The house was bigger, way bigger than my old one. My room seemed two times bigger, which meant it was two times more empty and spacious. Not as great as it sounds.

My parents were out all the time. Whether it was working, or meetings, I was home alone for the majority of the day.

I hadn't gotten out of my house, due to the fact that I didn't know where everything was. Along with that, I had no idea who anyone in the neighbourhood was. Although, the neighbours did seem nice. On the first day, they brought us cookies and invited us for dinner. I didn't go but my parents decided to make an appearance to be nice.

"I'm leaving for work, Brooke." My mom said as she slipped on her black heels.

"How do you work in those?" I asked, pointing my spoon to the shoes on her feet.

"I sit at a desk all day," she winked. "Love you and I'll see you later."

She closed the door behind her, causing a big bang sound to echo through the house.

"Just me..." I whispered, "just like everyday..."

I put my bowl in the sink before turning on the faucet and filling it with water.


It was almost a week since Brooke left. The family that moved into her house -well her old one- came a few hours after Brooke left. They did have a surprise when they saw a teenage boy sitting on their front steps.

My mom, being the lady that she was, invited them to our house to eat dinner. I stayed in my room the whole night, only leaving to go to the washroom.

"Tony, the girl from next door is coming over with her mom. We're planning to have a shopping day," my mom smiled as she sipped her coffee.

"Okay?" I replied. "Why does that matter to me?"

"Maybe you could spend time with the girl. Make friends. I assume that she's your age," my mom suggested.

"Why would I do that?" I fired back rather angrily.

"Just a suggestion," she whispered.

I rolled my eyes as I swirled my spoon around in my milk.


I sat on my bed watching TV. The quietness of my house was slowly killing me.

I laid back onto my bed, stuffing my face into one of my pillows. It smelled like Tony. Probably because it was the pillow that he was laying on the night before I left. It almost gave me comfort to have it so close to me because it seemed as if he was right there beside me again. I smiled at the thought of the night before I left.

My phone began to ring. I looked up from the pillow and answered it, having my heart leap as I heard a familiar voice.

"Hi," Tony said, "how is everything there?"

"Boring. I'm alone here watching some old western movie." I laughed.

He chuckled, "I think that I should head over there soon. Visit you and all,"

"Please." I pleaded.

"My mom is trying to get me to make friends with the new neighbours daughter," he sighed.

"Why don't you?"

"That's a bit weird, don't you think?"

"Not really. I mean, I can have guy friends, you can have girl friends. As long as nothing serious happens, you know?" I explained, "but its not like ive met anyone here. I haven't even left my house."

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