Chapter 29:

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My mom urged Nick to leave after waking him with a shake. He lazily opened his eyes, giving my mom a smile, then listened to her wishes of having him leave. 

"So, why was he here? Are you and Tony...?" She asked as she handed me the frapp.

"No, no. I was at Tori's house, and I was walking down the stairs and I slipped down. I hurt my ankle, and I couldn't walk back home, so he helped me in and he wouldn't leave. We ended up watching Netflix. Nothing." I explained, " and nothing happened between Tony and I. Why?"

"Don't you think Tony would be upset if he saw another guy sitting on the couch with you, sleeping on your shoulder?"

"No! Because nothing is happening. Tony trusts me, mom." I rolled my eyes.

She let out a sigh, then plastered a fake smile onto her face. "I'll be upstairs."

I nodded my head, closing my laptop, and folding my blanket. It reeked of the smell of alcohol and grass. I cringed as i aired it out. 

The freezies on my ankle were totally melted, and were only liquid when I removed them from my smaller swollen ankle. I managed to limp around my house.

I placed the freezies back into the freezer, then limped back to the living room to grab my blanket and laptop. I ended up crawling up the stairs, back into my room.

As a pleasant surprise, everything was in place and tidy the way I left it. Although, my window was open, and it was somewhat chilly.


I instantly regretted taking a walk with this chick. She had an annoying, dumb, high pitched voice and her laugh was annoying. She would always pop her gum, and run her fingers through her hair. Not to mention she smelled too much like watermelon. 

We took a quick trip around the neighborhood. I tried to not stop anywhere so the trip wouldn't have to be longer than it should've been. I just really wanted to go home and talk to Brooke.

"So we're almost home..." I said, above the sound of her annoying screech. 

"Already?! Oh my gosh! We've only been out here for like 20 minutes! I thought we would've seen some party or something by now!"

"Like I said, nothing." I shrugged.

The rest of the trip back was spent with her talking about her hometown and about the crazy parties that in sued.

I snuck into my house, slowly opening the doors and tip toe-ing through the house. Luckily, my mom was sound asleep, along with my step-dad.

The thought of Brooke hadn't left my head. She was all I thought about during the walk. When I'd pass certain places, thoughts would trigger, and I would just see us the smiling and laughing. Just enjoying each others company. I couldn't not think of her. It was something that started happening once she left.

I opened my mac, logging onto all of my social networking websites. I sighed as I scrolled through my facebook chat box because she wasn't online. Then again, it was 12a. But, it's not like she went to sleep this 'early' anyway.

A smile spread across my face as her name popped up on my screen through an oovoo call.


After scrolling through facebook numerous times, I finally decided to give Tony and oovoo call. My heart leaped after the 3rd ring because his face appeared on my screen.

His smile was as big as always. It was still warm and welcoming. His hair was a bit messy, it looked like he had just woken up. He was wearing a white vneck shirt.

"Hi Brooke," he said calmly. 

I loved hearing my name, especially when he said it.

"Hi Tony!" I smiled, "My phone is broken."

"What happened? We were talking and it just stopped."

"I fell off the ladder. You know me, clumsy and stupid as always. But yeah, it's broken and I won't be able to text you." I sighed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. My ankle was swollen, but it's not as big now. I'm just laying in bed because I can't sleep."

"It's not like you would sleep." He winked.

"That's true." I gave a soft smile as I looked at him. 

He smiled back, but even bigger. This caused my smile to grow two times in size. 

"I miss you so much." He whispered.

"I miss you too, Tony." I sighed.

"So what did you do today? Other than break your ankle." He laughed. 

"Nothing really. Just Tori's, then broke my ankle, chilled with a friend... Thats about it. Nothing exciting."

For some reason, I din't want to tell Tony about Nick. At least not now. Maybe I would introduce them when Tony comes to pick me up on the day of his moms wedding. That way, he'd be able to know that there was nothing between Nick and I.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Nothing exciting.. I think wehad equally boring days. But hey, I just got home from a walk with the neighbors daughter. We were talking to each other through the windows like you and I used to do."

My heart fell, and saddness took over my heart. I bit the inside of my lip, then forced a smile.

"But don't worry. She's really annoying. She doesn't shut up at all! It sucks because my mom keeps on urging me to befriend her, but I really dont want to."

"Really? That must suck..." I whsipered, looking at my key board.

"Don't be sad, Brooke." He let out a sigh, then frowned.

"I'm not." I whispered.

"I can tell that you're sad through this laptop screen, Brooke. Don't worry at all, okay?" He said kindly.

"I'm not! I swear. I just... I really miss you." I took a deep breath.

"I really wish I could go there and hug you. I can tell you're bummed, and I hate seeing you that way. I won't be able to deal with myself if I'm the reason why you're sad like that. And anyway, it's nothing to worry about. I won't be taking any interest in her. Remember? I love you."

My emotions were uplifted, and a smile spread across my face. "I love you too, Tony."

The rest of my night was spent talking to Tony about everything.


My mom woke me up the next morning and urged me to eat the food she had prepared for me. She said that it would help the healing of my ankle. I believe she just said that because she made too much food for herself, and she needed someone else to eat the rest.

She brought me the food on a tray and placed it on my bedside table. The smell itself woke me up, and gave the phrase good morning, a real definition.

I ate the food quickly, only leaving an empty plate and a few egg shell pieces. (my mom wasn't that great at picking out the shells).

By instinct, I reached around for my phone. It was no where to be found, considering it was in bits and pieces outside. I groaned. 

My parents would have a fit that I broke my phone. I'd get in trouble for lying about falling down the stairs, being in a 'party', and having a broken phone. I could also possibly get in trouble for breaking the ladder. But it wasn't that nice in the first place. 

I shook all the thoughts out of my head, and turned my attention to the big teddy bear and a 'get well soon' card on my desk. 

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