Chapter 32:

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I continued reading the book, flipping the pages as if it was the first time reading it. Tony stayed still, listening to the story and absorbing it all in. By about that time, I didn't mind reading it out loud. I guess reading was better when you could share it with someone.

As I came to the last chapter, I let out a sigh and looked at Tony who had his eyes closed. "This is the last chapter."

"Already?" He groaned.

"Yeah. But it is a trilogy." I stated before I began reading the book again. 

I glanced at Tony a few times to see what he was doing. He had his eyes open intently, as he stared over my shoulder. 

With a sigh, I closed the book and placed it beside me.

"It's done."

"So whats gonna happen?" He asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, what's gonna happen to Katniss and Peeta? What's gonna happen to them?" He asked as he examined the book.

"You'll have to read the next book." I stated.

"Well, lets read it." He replied as he stood up.

I watched him as he made his way to my book shelf and examined the books that I had.

"I don't have it." I laughed.

"What do you mean? I thought you liked the trilogy." He said confused, as he looked over the books once again.

"I borrowed it from that library because they ran out of copies when I looked for it." 

"So you don't have it? What happens? Can you tell me?" He begged like a child.

"Why don't you google it or something? Or read it yourself? You're so into it." I laughed as i sat up. 

He sat on my chair by my desk and spun around on it before stopping and looking out the window.

"My parents don't know I'm here." 

"What? Why?" I asked.

"I just left. I was at Evan's, the I decided to come to your house. I guess it wasn't a well worked out plan." He whispered.

"Just call them then. I mean, they won't get mad, right?" 

"It's not like they could do much anyway." He chuckled as he dialed the number onto his phone.

The conversation consisted of him telling his mom about him being here, to yes, uh huh's and okay's. 

"My mom could care less. But she said I have to be home before tomorrow night because she needs help with the last minute wedding plans. It's almost coming up." He stated. "Are you hungry? We should get something to eat. Or order pizza like before."

"I'll get my mom to order pizza," I smiled.

He nodded his head and opened my laptop, which was on my desk. He quickly typed in the password, then signed onto his social networking sites. I really didn't know how he found out what my password was, but I never ended up changing it because I really had nothing to hide on that laptop.

I looked at him as he stared at the laptop screen. He looked so calm and content, yet he looked like he was internally angry or something. It was probably his concentration face. A smile crept onto my face without me noticing.


My mom ordered the food, and it came in what seemed like minutes. It was probably because Tony and I were talking and telling each other about everything. Although he didn't look like the type of guy to listen and talk, he actually really was. 

The swelling on my ankle went down a significant bit, and eventually I was able to walk with minimum limpage. 

My limping did get out a few chuckles and laughs from Tony though. I didn't really mind because I'd probably end up laughing if it was him limping.

The day sped through quickly, and eventually, I was back in my bed attempting to sleep. 

My mom pulled out on of our old blow up mattresses for Tony so that he could sleep in my room, but not with me. I didn't fire back, because it was a blessing for her just to let him sleep in my room. I think it was a one time thing for when we were moving. I didn't see it happening again. She'd probably lose her mind if she saw him napping in my bed, like this afternoon. 

My mom also gave Tony some of my dad's old clothes to wear as pajamas. Just simple pajama pants and a t-shirt that said, "Bring me a cold one."

Tony laid on the mattress, flipping through pages of The Hunger Games and reading certain parts over again. He'd ask me questions once in a while when he didn't know what was happening. 

"I really wanna get my hands on Catching Fire." He stated as he read the back of the book. 

"It's pretty dark in here, you shouldn't be reading." I whispered as I closed my eyes. 

"Fine," he groaned as he put the book on the ground beside him. 

"I've really missed you," I sighed.

"I've missed you too." He exclaimed, "I'm just really glad that I have my license because without it, I wouldn't be able to see you." 

"I should really get mine soon so I can visit you too." I sighed.

"Yeah. But I'm okay with driving here. It's cool seeing everything so.. different. Plus, before you have a license, you should work on getting a new phone." He chuckled.

"Of course. I should get a new one soon." I laughed. "I'm really excited for your moms wedding. With all the planning going on, it seems like it's gonna be perfect." 

"She wants it to be perfect, so let's hope it is. Her anger would go over the roof if it was anything less than perfect."

"I can believe that. I'd want a perfect wedding. With a perfect everything, really.  I guess if it were me, I'd be disappointed if it was anything less than what I expected it to be." I stated. 

"I think it's a girl thing to be so into weddings and stuff. I mean for me, I personally don't really.. I don't have big expectations, you know? As long as I can marry the person I love, it don't care how big and extrvigant the after party is. I mean, really, I'll just be looking at the one I love beside me, in their pure happiness. All I'll think about is 'wow, what did I do to marry someone as perfect as her'?' Maybe it's just me." He yawned.

I turned to face the opposite direction, then stared at my wall. "I guess when you put it that way, I can't help but agree." 

"I guess." He whispered tiredly.

"One more question." I whispered.


"One more question." Brooke whispered.

"What?" I asked, facing my head in her direction.

There was really no point in trying to see her face because it was almost pitch black in her room. The only light was coming from my phone lighting up, and the moon light from the window.

"When you think about weddings and stuff..." She cleared her throat, "who do you see sitting beside you as your wife?"


My reads went up by a whole bunch! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed (-:

Srry for the lack of updates! I've been busy with school and stuff )-:

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