Chapter 33:

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"You don't need to answer that." I whispered before I fully fell asleep.

"I love you." Tony whispered.


The days passed quickly, and soon enough it was Tony's mom's wedding. Luckily, my ankle was basically fully healed, and my limpage was at an all time low.

My mom and I went out and bought dresses to wear. She bought a dark pink one that was a little past the knee. It was well fitted, and made her curves stand out and be the life of the party. 

The dress I bought was a light beige, lacey dress that went up to my knees. It was flowy, and so light it was almost white.

My parents planned on staying in the hotel where the reception was held, just so we wouldn't have to drive all the way home after the wedding. Luckily, I had everything already packed before she even told me the plan. I had a feeling she was gonna do that. And if not, I would've just stayed at Tony's. No way I'm going back there for a night, then leaving to go back home.

My parents left the house earlier than I did just so tehy could check out the hotel room, and help Tony's mom if she needed any help. Although, Tony came to my house an hour later.

I didn't get dressed up in my dress or anything, because I planned to do that once we got to the hotel. Plus, Tony had planned for us to go and hang out. So being in a dress while hanging out at some casual place probably wouldn't be ideal. I settled for my regular light washed skinny jeans and my pink floral top. 

"You're not dressed?" He asked as he started the car.

"I'm gonna get dressed once we get to the hotel, so can we get there 2 hours early so I can get ready?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course." He said calmy as he backed out of my drive way.

The car ride was quiet, and the slight sound of radio music filled the space. 

"Can you grab the plastic bag in the back seats?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, of course." I said as I reached behind me and grabbed hold of the bag. 

I pulled it to the front and placed it on my lap, not bothering to look inside. The bag was small and white, and looked newly purchased.

"I bought that on the way here. Thought you'd like it." He smiled, "open it."

I peeked into the bag and saw the famous red cover, and the famous bird on it.

"You didn't..." I exclaimed as I pulled it out, "you bought it?! Oh my gosh! Tony!" 

"Yeah. I mean, I really wanted to read.. er.. hear you read it to me. You can keep it afterwards. Plus, you said it was your favorite trilogy. We have 2 hours on the plain road to kill, so why not?" He stated. 

The smile on my face seemed permanent, as it wouldn't come off. 

I examined the cover of the book before opening it.

"I clasp the flask between my hands..." I began.


After reading almost half the book, I closed it and let out a sigh. "I'm tired of reading." I laughed.

"It's okay. Take a break." Tony smiled. "We're almost here anyway."

"Do you like it so far? It's my favorite in the trilogy."

"I really do, actually."

"That;s good, at least you found books that you'll actually enjoy reading." I laughed.

He smirked as he kept his eys on the road. 

"I think you should read this to me in return for me reading it to you. Not now, but sometime later, at least." I said as I looked out the car window at the small shops that we used to go to.

"No thanks. The reason why I get you to read it is because I'm not into that. Plus, I wouldn't be as interested in the book if it wasn't for you reading it. I mean, I guess it's weird, but I like hearing you read."


Although we previously made plans, it didn't end up working out because of the traffic and the time restrain we were under. We ended up going straight to the hotel, then Tony had to leave to get ready at his own house.

I got ready in the hotel room by myself. My parents got a seperate room, which was right beside mine, connected to my room through a shared door. 

I took my time while getting ready, making sure every piece of hair was curled and every lash was covered in mascara. Once I was done, I ended up laying on my bed in my robe, scrolling through my timelines. My mom came in a few times and urged me to get dressed, but I ended up nodding then letting out a groan. 

Finally, I ended up getting dressed and walking into my mom and dad's suite. I just sat on their bed as they got ready for the reception. Although we couldn't make it to the actual wedding part of it, we sure could've made it to the reception. My mom bought some big crazy gift for Tony's mom as a sorry note that we couldn't attend the church ceremony. 

Soon enough, we could hear the music blasting for the reception hall into our own suites. We took that as a hint to head downstairs and meet everyone there.

We left our rooms, grabbing the key cards and making sure that all appliances were unplugged. As we got onto the elevator, the smell of perfume and insense hit us in the face. My mom let out a few uncomfortable coughs, while my dad held his breath. It was obvious that a really young teenage girl wearing Pink Sugar perfume, and an old lady who permanatly smelt like insense were in the elevator right before us. The mixture of smells wasn't the best smelling.

Finally, the elevator stopped and let us out. I held in my coughs, and just sucked in a big amount of fresh, expensive smelling hotel air, then let it out. My parents did the same, and we ended up laughing at how ridiculous each other looked,

"Oh, hi. You look really nice." Tony said as he walked up infront of me, hugging me tightly. He was wearing a black tuxedo, with a white collared shirt inside and ablack bowtie. 

"Thank you. You do too." I laughed, "You look like a waiter."

"Do I?" He asked, looking down at hisoutfit. "I guess I do."

He smirked as he hooked his arm out, "Shall we walk in?" It was quite evident that he spent a long time trying to improve his British accent.

"We shall." I replied as I hooked my arm in his.


Finally updated! Hopefully this chapter isn't as boring as I think. Maybe that's just because I've been putting it off for such a long time! Anyway, hopefully you enjoy it! Don't forget to vote, comment and share! Thank you (-:

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