Chapter two

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Today I wanted to talk more with Mikalya. She seems really sweet, Just shy. But I can fix that.

"Bye mom! See you tonight!" I yelled as I walked out the door.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I took it out to see what it was. It was just a text from Luke.

Lukey pooh: Hey, Meet us at Ash's car when you get here!

To Lukey Pooh: Okay. I'll be there soon!

I locked my phone and started my car and drove off.

My mind was distracted today. I couldn't stop thinking about Mikalya. I wonder if she'll be better today. I stopped my car in the school parking lot and headed into the parking lot to find my friends.

A few girls waved to me and giggled as I past them, But I never really paid attention to those girls. They were the crazy clingy ones my friends warned me about. I felt more relaxed as I approached my friends.

"Cal Pal! You're here!" Mikey said while giving me a side hug.

"Yep! I'm here. What's up?" I asked.

"Mikalya was crying in her car before she entered the school. And she was looking down at her arms. I don't know if talking to her will do anything, But I'd try it. Just let her know you're here for her." Luke said.

"Yeah, Just make sure to not confront her on the arm thing yet, Okay? She could run off on you." Ashton said.

"Okay. I'll go talk to her." I said while taking in a deep breath and entering the school.

(Just nonchalantly walk up to her and talk to her) I thought to myself.

"Um, Hey there Mikalya, How are you?" I asked her.

"Oh, Hey. I'm-I'm okay. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Hey um, Are you okay? You seem kinda down." I asked her.

"Y-Yeah, Everything's, Um, Great. Yeah great." She said nervously.

"Oh, Okay. Well if you ever need anything, just come to me. I'll help out in any way I can!" I said with a smile.

"You can't help me." I heard a faint whisper say.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, I didn't say anything. Thanks Calum!" She said and walked away.

"Well, How did that go?" Ash asked.

"She's nice. But I swear I heard her say I can't help her. I told her if she ever needed any help or anything she could come to me, And as I was walking away I heard her say, "You can't help me" unless I'm hearing things, But I swear I heard her say that." I said.

"Well, We'll just keep an eye on her. You know see if anything unusual happens." Luke said.

"Yeah, Well let's get to class." I said.

We all walked into our science class like we do every morning, And I saw that Mikalya had her head down and her eyes closed. I wonder if she's okay.

"Mikalya? Are you okay?" I asked her while rubbing her back.

She flinched away from my touch almost immediately until she saw it was me and she relaxed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, That's all." She said with a small smile.

"Oh, Okay. Um, Do you need to go home or"

"No!" She cut me off. "I mean, No I'm fine. Thanks Calum."

"Only if you're sure. I can take you home if you need me too." I offered.

"Thanks, But I'm fine, Really." She said and returned her gaze onto the teacher.

Something doesn't add up. She's awfully jumpy. Maybe I just scared her because she was all most asleep.

"Okay class, We have a project due at the end of this month. So I will assign you all partners. Um, Michael and Luke, Hannah and Lilly"  Mrs.Adams read off all the partners until she ended up on me.

"Calum and Mikalya" she said.

Oh, We're partners, Now's my chance to get to know her!

Our teacher finished listing off the names and explained what this project is and I saw Mikalya's head drop again.

"Okay, Well good luck guys! This project is due at the end of this semester. You need to get to know each other. So spend as much time with your partners as you can. And keep your papers updated on interesting things about your partners, Okay?" Mrs.Adam said.

"Well this should be fun! Glad we're partners, Mikalya!" I said cheerfully.

"You won't be soon." She said as the bell rang and walked away.

What is that supposed to mean? What could possibly be wrong with her? Glad I'll be able to find out soon. At least I hope I will.

"So, You and Mikalya, Huh?" Mikey said.

"Yeah, I guess. I just hope this project goes well. But she did say that I won't like getting to know her soon. What ever that means." I said.

"Maybe she's just trying to scare you. Maybe she doesn't want people to figure her out." Ash said.

"Eh, Maybe. But hey, I'll talk to you guys at lunch!" I said and walked to my math class.

The rest of my day went as usual. But I couldn't stop thinking about what Mikalya meant. What's so bad about her that she said I won't like getting to know her? She seems really interesting. She makes me want to get to know her. Not run away from her. I'm just glad I'll have a whole semester to get to know her. That'll be great.

I got to my second period class and Mikalya gave me a sad smile as she sat down at her seat. My curiosity kept getting bigger and bigger as the day went on. I need to find out what her deal is. Maybe I can help her. I want to help her, But only if she lets me. But I didn't focus anymore in the topic because I need my focus on the rest of my day. But that never happened. I had her on my mind, And only her after we were assigned partners.

This is going to be one interesting semester.


Authors note

Hello guys!

So, Mikalya and Calum were assigned partners for this science project, This should be interesting. And what's Mikalya's deal? Why's she so skiddish around people? Don't worry, You'll find out soon!

Anyways, Thanks for reading, I'll update again soon! And I hope you're all doing well!

Bye! 🤗


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