Chapter nine

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Today Mikalya can go home and I'm excited to go get her, Even though I saw her yesterday. The fact she's in hospital made it harder for me to relax and it made me miss her even more.

"Mom! I'm heading to the hospital now to go get Mikalya!" I yelled.

"Okay! Make sure to bring her back here, Remember! Do not bring her back to her mother!" My mom yelled back.

"I will! See you later!" I said.

I drove to the hospital to go get my Mikalya. I've been worried about her all night. I wonder how she slept? I hope she's okay.

"Hello, I'm here to see Mikalya Rivers." I said to the front desk lady.

"Yep! She's in there." She said.

"Thank you!" I said and rushed to her room.

"Calum! I get to leave today!" Mikalya said excitedly.

"I know! I'm brining you to my house instead, Okay?" I said.

"Okay, Um but could we stop at my house? I want to go get some clothes and stuff before I head to your house. I doubt my mom will be home." She said.

I wasn't sure about that. I worried that if she did go home, Even for a short amount of time, Her mother will be there and we'll end up back to square one.

"Sure! But just to be on the safe side, I'll go in with you to get your stuff, Okay?" I said.

"Yes! I don't want to be alone in there. Thanks Cal." She said.

"Okay Mrs.Rivers, You're free to go. Be safe honey. I don't want to see a pretty girl like you get that beat up again." The nurse said while giving Mikalya a hug.

"Thank you for taking care of me. Bye!" She said.

"So, Before we head back to your house, Want to get some food? Like real food? Not that nasty hospital food they served you last night?" I asked.

"Oh, Please! Thank you Cal. I love you so much. I'm glad I'm not dead. Other wise I wouldn't get to have my amazing boyfriend to brag about." She said.

"Wait, You bragged about me?" I asked.

"Yeah, The nurses there asked who you were, And I said my boyfriend. Some nurses thought you were hot." She giggled.

"Oh, Well nobody is as hot as you." I said while linking our hands together.

"Stop making me blush, Cal!" She laughed.

"At least I'm making you smile, I've missed that beautiful smile." I said.

"I've missed you." She said.

"I've missed you too." I said.

I put her things in my car and helped her into her seat and headed to her house. The look on her face as we pulled up to her house was kinda terrifying. I've never seen her go pale before.

"Hey, It's okay. I don't see your moms car here. Maybe she's at work." I said while giving her a reassuring smile.

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