Chapter twenty-three

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Calum's P.O.V.

"Sir, You need to leave the room. We need to see if we can get her to breathe again. Please, We'll come get you if we can get her to wake up again." The nurse said to me.

"Please bring my girl back to me. I-I can't lose her." I said.

"We'll try. We really will." The nurse said.

They pushed me out of the room and I felt numb. Her heart rate looked slower and slower as she breathed. There's a part of me that thinks she won't make it. But I'm trying to fight that thought out of my head.

"No, She'll make it. She has too. She's strong. I know she will." I kept saying to myself.

"Cal! What's happening?" Miley asked.

"They, They think she might die! She might not make it, Guys!" I cried.

"Hey, Come here. She'll make it. She will. She's strong. C'mon sit down and relax." Ash said.

"Okay." I said and sat down pulling my knees up to my chest.

This is the worst kind of pain you could ever put me through. You could stand me, Shoot me again, And even hit me with a bus, but nothing will compare to this kind of pain. Nothing.

"Calum Hood." Someone called.

"Yes?" I said.

"Um, We tried everything we could and um, Well she, She, She's not going to make it. I'm so, so sorry. You can come and say goodbye. She's only got a few minutes left." The nurse said.

"Oh my god! No! No! No!!! This can't be happening! I need to see her!" I yelled.

"Follow me." She said.

We walked to her room and there she laid. Just about as pale and lifeless as a ghost.

"H-Hi Cal." She tried to say.

"Hi baby." I said.

"Please d-don't h-hate me." She said.

"I would never hate you, I love you." I said.

"You were the best friend, A-And boyfriend I've e-ever had. Please w-when I die, D-Don't be a-angry. M-Move on. D-Date other girls, Make more music. Just m-move on w-with life." She tried to say.

"I will never forget you. I will all ways love you. No matter what. I'm going to miss you Mikalya. I wish I could do something to save you." I said.

The lump in my throat was about to burst. I hated saying goodbye like this. I can't let her go like this. I wanted to live the rest of my life with her. I wanted to grow old with her, Have kids, Get married. Buy our first house together. But now that's all about to go down the drain. All because I couldn't keep her happy. I wish I could've stopped her from jumping. This is all my fault. And here I am now. Watching my baby girl take her last few breaths. This is the worst kind of torture you could ever put me through.

"Mikalya, Just know that I will never forget you. I will all ways have a place for you in my heart. Nobody can replace you. Everyone will miss you. But I know your grandpa will be excited to see you again. I know he loves you. Say hi for me when you see him." I said while trying to hold my tears in.

"I will." She said softly.

Her breathing became more slow. Her eyes were starting to drop. And her monitor was slowing down.

"I love you, Calum. All ways remember that." Was her last words before the monitor went in a straight line and a loud slow beeping noise went off.

She's gone. My baby girl is gone forever.

I love you Mikalya Rivers. You were the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. And I hope you will carry on the memories we had together forever. Until we meet again. For ever you will be my heartbreak girl.

"Sir, We need you to leave. I'm so sorry." The nurse said.

I walked out of her room and walked to the waiting room to be meted with my band and Mikalya's friend.

"Cal, What's wrong?" Ash asked.

"She gone." I whispered.

"She, She's gone?" Luke asked.

I nodded my head. I was to heart broken to even talk. I jus wanted to scream and punch things. I wanted to curse out the world. Scream how this isn't fair. Blame her parents for doing this to her. For breaking her this much for her to want to die. But I couldn't. I had to accept that this happened because she was unhappy. She didn't want to hurt anymore. And now she's not. She's in a better place. Probably with her grandpa, Having a great time with him. Like she deserves. To be happy again.

"Can we just get out of here? Please?" I cried.

"Yes, C'mon. You need to get away from here. I'm so sorry, Calum." Mikey said.

"Me too." I whispered.


Authors note~

Hey guys!

Sorry if this chapter sucks, Towards the end I couldn't think of anything else to write. So....Here this I guess.

But anyways, So Mikalya passed away😔 But at least she's no longer suffering. She's happily with her grandparents again. As it should've been before, But you know, They aren't alive.

I will be uploading the last chapter and then the epilogue soon, I'm hoping today, But if not then for sure tomorrow.

Anyways, Thanks for reading I hope you liked this book, And I'll update the last chapter and epilogue soon!

Hope you're all doing well!

Peace! ✌️


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