Chapter thirteen

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Ever since last weekend I've noticed Mikalya was keeping her distance from me. She barely answered my texts and calls, Which I can understand. She's still pretty shaken up about what happened at Josh's party. But now she's back at school and I can see the look of horror on her face as I picked her up this morning.

"Hey baby. You know you don't have to go. You can stay home and I can bring your work home for you." I said.

"I know Cal. But I have to face everyone eventually. Might as well do it now and get there comments and questions over with. I'll be fine." She said.

"Only if you're sure. If you need me too, I'll bring you home anytime you feel uncomfortable." I said.

"Thank you Cal." She said while taking my hand in hers.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything at the time it happened. This is all my fault. I should've never brought you to that party." I said with tears about to fall out of my eyes.

"Babe, Don't blame your self for what happened. I should've stayed by you at all times. I feel like I've let you down. I wanted to stay by you, But I also didn't want to take you away from your friends. But I never should've anyways. This is all my fault." Mikaya said sadly.

"Hey, It's going to be okay. You're okay. Next time I'll make sure you are by my side at all times. This won't happen again. I promise." I said while giving her a kiss.

"Okay, Let's get this over with." She said while climbing out of the car.

"Well, Looks like the little slut wanted more. I'm surprised you came to school today, Mikalya."  One of the popular girls spat.

"Just ignore her. C'mon let's go find our friends." I said.

She took my hand and we went to our lockers where our friends were.

"Mikalya! I'm so happy to see you! And surprised! I thought you'd stay home today." Michael said.

"Hey Mikey. I figured I'd get all the weird looks and all the questions over with today so I don't have to be reminded a week later. It's hard enough sleeping, I don't want to add more stress with worrying about what others say about the accident." She said.

"You're brave!" Mikey said.

"Thanks. Just can you guys stay by me today? I'm just super nervous and scared."Mikalya said.

"Of course! We'd never leave you alone." Luke said.

"Thanks." She said.

We headed to class and Mikalya clung to my arm until we headed to the class room.

"I'll be right here baby. I'm just a few seats behind you. You'll be okay." I whispered to her.

"Okay." She said.

"Good morning class! Let's get started." Mr. James said.

"How are all your projects going? Getting along with your partners? Are you actually writing things down about your partners?" Mr. James asked.

Some responded with a yes, Others said they keep forgetting to write things down. Luckily for me, Even with all the crap that's happened with Mikalya, I've all ways remembered to write down things every night before I went to sleep. I'm most likely the only one doing this project. But maybe Mikalya is too.

"Okay, Raise your hand if you're actually doing this project." Mr. James said.

Only a handful of hands went up. But to my surprise Mikalya's hand went up too.

"Well good! I'll give the few who are actually doing this project ten extra points on their grade." Mr. James said.

A few students grumbled but for once in a while I saw Mikalya smile. And that made me happy to see that beautiful smile of hers.

The bell rung and we all piled out of the class room. I met up Mikalya and my friends at our lockers

"Just make sure you don't let anything get to you too bad, M. I'd hate for you to get upset again." Miley said.

"I'm trying. At least not to many have said anything today. Maybe they'll leave it alone." Milayla said.

"Well baby, Ready to tackle the rest of the day?" I asked.

"Yep! Let's do this." She said.

She seems happier then this morning. Maybe she's actually having a good day! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

"Hey baby. Having a good day today?" I asked her as we sat down for lunch.

"Yeah! Everyone is being nice! Let's hope it stays that way!" She said happily.

"Yeah! Okay, Let's get some food. I'm starving." Mikey said.

We all got our food and found a seat to sit at and while we were eating some one stood up on a table and shouted for the whole cafeteria to be quiet.

"Hey everybody! Look who's here! It's the little slut! She slept with Josh and now she's claiming he rapped her. Does anyone believe her?" Kiely ( Mikalya's bully) shouted.

A bunch a people boo'd and shouted 'slut' and 'whore' to her. I could see the panic in her eyes as Kiely shouted.

One kid came up to her and dumped his food on her head and poured milk down her shirt and another kid placed a sign on her shirt that read 'Slut'.

Mikalya got up and ran out of the school and down the street. I soon got up and ran after her.

I didn't see her on the streets so I ran to her house.

"Mikalya? Are you home?" I yelled.

I got no answer, So I tried calling her, it went straight to voice mail. Where could she have gone? And then I remembered.

My spot! The spot I took her and sang her that song the other week. She has to be there. So I grabbed my keys and drove over there and sure enough she was sitting by the ledge of the cliff.

"Mikalya? It's Cal." I said.

"H-Hi Cal." She sniffled.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. I feel so bad for bringing you to school today." I said.

"I should've known that would happen. I'm such an idiot." She said.

"No. Those people at that school are idiots. Not you. You were brave enough to handle a half a day. That's something you should be happy about." I said.

"Yeah, But look what happened." She said sadly.

"I know. And I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I said while hugging her.

"Thanks for being there though." She said.

"Of course. Hey, Shall we go home and get you cleaned up?" I asked her.

"Okay. Can I crash at your place tonight?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm not letting you be alone after today. I love you baby. Never forget that." I said.

"Thanks Cal. I love you too." She said.


Author's note.

Hey guys!

So, Mikalya was humiliated today at school. Huh, Poor girl.

So, How do you think this will play out? Will it get worse? Or better or her?

You'll find out soon!

Anyways, Thanks for reading! I hope you like it so far, And I'll update again soon!

Peace! ✌️


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