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Andy was anxious. She always had really bad anxiety, but flying made her a different kind of anxious. So once she realized that she had to leave for her flight soon, she started to freak out.

She couldn't find her camera and she refused to leave her house without it.

"Andy? You ready? Phil said we need to leave," Bella asked while coming back into the house.

"I can't find my camera anywhere! I checked the entire house Bells! I'm freaking out, I feel like I can't breath," Andy cried out, trying to keep her cool.

Bella knew how her little sister could easily get flustered and upset. She was used to how her sister would sometimes have little break downs over things that would normally seem unimportant to a normal person.

"Andy you need to calm down. Your camera is around your neck."


"You're nervous about the flight, Andy. Everything will be fine," Bella explained.

The Seattle airport was a lot smaller than what Andy remembered. When she was younger everything looked so much bigger and different, and she was actually surprised that the place changed so much. Everything looks different as a child, and it still amazed her that she had missed so many details. Quickly grabbing their bags, they left to find their father.

"Bella! Andy! Over here!" their father, Charlie, calls to them.

Bella and Andy loved Charlie, they just found it awkward because they barely seen him growing up. Charlie was a good man, nice and loving, even if he had difficulty expressing himself.

Both the girls started to make their way over to Charlie.

The encounter was uncomfortable for everyone as little was said. Andy started to zone out of the conversation and took notice of how many people were actually surrounding her. There were so many different faces and people, everything started to blur.

Andy was accustomed to the light headed feeling she often got, but it didn't make it any easier. Using her older sister like a lifeline, she took Bella's hand and held it tightly.

"Dad, maybe we should start heading out. Where'd you park the car? You drove the cruiser here right? Do you think you could get Andy's bag?" Bella asked.

Without waiting for a reply, Bella dragged Andy and her bag out the door. Easily spotting her father's police cruiser, she hurriedly made her way to it.

Meanwhile, Andy was breathing deeply. Trying to get the dark spots in her vision to fade before she passed out. She never liked large groups of people. She actually hated being somewhere that had so many different faces, especially when she didn't know anyone. There was something about being in an unfamiliar place that made her feel so alone.

Bella and Andy knew that the ride home would be long. Bella handed Andy her earphones because she knew her little sister would need them more.


Andy didn't wait for anyone, she was out the car before it even stopped. Feeling the cold air on her skin made the sticky sweaty car feeling wash away. The breeze carried a plethora of scents, nature and the distinct smell of her father were blown in her direction.

She was the first inside the moment the door was opened, rushing past her family in a flurry to get inside. Bella, knowing that her sister need time alone, and knowing that Andy would come to her room later that night, didn't bother going after her.

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