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Andy hurt. Everything was hurting and she just wanted it to stop. She knew Bella would be here soon, but she just wished to go before then.

The tracker was going to kill them both anyways, but that didn't mean he couldn't feed from her in the process. She was just thankful the the worst was him feeding and nothing else.

It was a strange feeling having someone sink there teeth into your flesh and then draw the life from you. The way his teeth were sharper than knives and pierced her veins was quick and direct, it was like a surgery being performed without anesthesia. Taking her blood was different. In the beginning her body fought him, her blood screamed to stay but the pain eventually faded into a numbing sensation that made her think death was near. It hurt incredibly.

Her throat was raw from screaming, and she was amazed at how much blood one person could have in there body, at how easily a bone could be snapped.

Andy turned her head to the side slightly and saw the many mirrors. The room was familiar to her but she couldn't yet place her finger on it. it was easy for her to tell she was in the middle of the room, and it wasn't hard for her to guess she was serving the purpose of bait.

Andy wondered who would have actually some for her if they knew where she was.

The doors banging open made her head pound, no doubt the lack of blood was making her head more sensitive. The lights flickering on made her squeeze her eye shut tightly.

"Andy? Andy!" Bella called, running to her sisters side. "Oh, god."

Lifting her hand slowly, she pouted behind Bella. "Behind you," she croaked.

The lights shut filling the room with darkness. He was standing very still near the back entrance. A smile on his face, a camera in his hands.

"I am sorry for your sister, I was in a foul mood." His stance was relaxed, his smile dangerous.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Bella's bravery shocked Andy, but she just wished that she had realized this awful truth before she came.

"How odd. You really mean it." His eyes were dark. Thirsty. "I will give your strange coven this much, you humans can be quite interesting. I guess I can see the draw of observing you."

He moved closer causing Andy's heart rate to shoot up in panic. Pulling herself to her feet, she ignored the pain lancing through her body and stood beside Bella. If she was going to die on film, it would be with dignity.

"I suppose you're going to tell me your boyfriend will avenge you?" he asked Bella, his tone hopeful.

"No, I don't think so. At east I asked him not to."

Andy's eyes widened at this knowledge. Edward knew they were here? she thought.

"And what was his reply to that?"

"I don't know." Andy was astonished at how easy Bella was conversing the hunter. "I wrote him a letter."

"How romantic," Andy grumbled under her breath.

"My exact thoughts," James tells her. "And do you think he will honor it?"

"I hope so."

"Hmm, well our hopes differ. You see, this was all just a little too easy, I expected more of a challenge."

The hunter stepped back, and lifted the camera and pointed it at the two.

"Would you mind, very much, if I left a letter of my own for our Edward?

Andy felt Bella tense beside her. Her sister knew that Edward would hunt him down hen he saw the video, Jasper and Alice probably would as well.

"I'm sorry, but I just don't think hell be able to resist hunting me after he watches this. And I wouldn't want him to miss anything. it was all for him of course. You're just a mere human, Bella, running in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and indisputably with the wrong crowd, i might add."

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