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Andy quickly learned that Jasper was a very stricted teacher, scary even.

After the boy had heard of how Andy was beating herself up over her abilities, and how she reacted after she had anxiety or panic attacks, he took it upon himself to start her training on control.

Sitting on a couch in Alice and Jasper's room, Andy was trying hard to focus on what Jasper was telling her to do.

The main idea was for her to control all the emotions because that was the hardest thing for her to do.

"Try harder," Jasper scolded.

Huffing, Andy felt her shoulders slump. It was incredibly hard for her to get a handle on sorting the feelings. Jasper had her trying to identify what each emotion was. He was sending out waves of different emotions, telling her to figure out what doesnt belong to her and to push it away.

So far the only thing she could do was identify what wasn't her own. She had yet to separate herself from it.

"Jas, I can't," Andy panted. "I can barely identify what feelings are my own."

Andy ran her hands through her hair, pulling slightly. She felt awful. There was something about failure that made her want to hide.

"How does it feel when you have one of your anxiety attacks?" Alice asked her softly.

Closing her eyes, she brought up the memories of all tge times she was in that position.

"It's scary. I can tell that what I'm feeling isn't important, that it doesn't make sense in this situation but I just can't push it away," Andy softly answers. "It's like I'm breathing through corrupted lungs. Like I'm under water and the surface is just out of my grasp."

"What helps you through it? To reach the surface?" Alice asked while taking her hand.

"Bella," she responds simply. "Bella is like a beacon. She's a constant. I know she will always be there for me, that she would risk her life for me if need be. I try to reach for her, to feel the same way I do around her."

"Use that strategy for this then," Jasper tells her.

Nodding her head softly, Andy stares aheaded of herself blankly. Waiting for Jasper's ability to wash over her.

She would never grow used to the way she could take in so many emotions. With everything Jasper's throwing at her weighing onbher chest, Andy shutsbher eyes tightly.

Digging deep within herself, Andy focuses solely on emotions. Assigning them colors, and feels, auras even. Keeping her sister in mind she's able to breathe freely again.

Imagining it all behind her eyelids, she begins to sort them. First by aura, then by feel.

When she had finally sorted the colors, she began to slowly push things away, still not understand the concept of removing the emotions from herself.

She still felt everything, but it no longer felt like it was suffocating her.

Openning her eyes timidly, she face faced with the proud smiles of her friends.

"Wonderful!" Alice exclaimed. "Now that we're all done here, are you ready for some baseball?"


Baseball with the Cullen's was interesting.

Andy was sitting on the grass of the clearing. Watching the vampire family practice and joke around while they waited for Edward and her sister.

She couldn't help but wonder if Alice had picked out an outfit for Bella like she had done for her.

"When are they getting here?" Andy whined.

"Soon enough," Alice calls to her.

Sighing, Andy picked herself up off the ground and made her way over to Jasper.

"How fast do you think you can spin that?" she asked him, gesturing towards the bat. "I bet you can spin it faster than Emmett."

Getting the reaction she wanted, Emmett barks out a laugh from his position across the field and appears in front of her, his own bat in hand.

Looking at her with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, he puffs out his chest and faces Jasper.

"I'll accept that challenge," Emmett states.

"I don't know, Emmett. You might have the power, but Jas has the quick reflexes and agility," she taunts.

Watching the twos boys with a faint smile on her face, she found it amusing to pit them agaisnt eachother like this. Watching them size eachother up at the mention of a competition.

"Jasper's much too skinny and slow to beat me. No muscle," Emmett gloats.

Seeing the facialel expression on the aforementioned boy, Andy covers her mouth in fake shock. Trying to urge the boys on.

"You're just gonna let him talk about you like that?" she turns to Jasper.

"You're on," Jasper said, accepting the challenge.

The boys stood back from eachother, positioning the bats so that they good get optimum speed.

Andy stood there like an excited child. She was proud of what she accomplished. Pitting them agaisnt one another as a source of entertainment.

"On your marks, get set.." Andy starts.

"What are you doing?" Andy hears. Quickling spinning to find her very serious looking sister and an amused Edward.

Eyeing the mind reader, she gives her sister an innocent look.


Bella's stare doesn't waver as she watches her little sister. Waiting patiently for her to say something else.

"You already know because of your stupid mind reading boyfriend," Andy mutters with a sigh. Shooting a glare at the boy, "he already told you."

"Andy-" Bella starts in a scolding tone.

"I was just having fun Bells," the younger sister interrupts. "It's not my fault you took so long to get here."

Turning quickly before Bella can scold her more, she rushes to Jasper.

"Get me far from her before she can parent me some more," she whispered.

Laughing slightly, Jasper switfly picked up Andy and brought her to the other side of the field in a matter of seconds.

Once she was placed back on the ground. She sent a mocking salute to her sister, before turning to start a conversation with Jasper.






Hey hey! So I have a new book up, its and Emmett Cullen fic. Its called Carvings of Gods you should go check it out!!

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